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12 offices of our member Institutions have benefited from the growth of the CEDIA network

Through redundant Fiber Optic Growth links, additional backups will be provided to HEIs

CEDIA is carrying out an important deployment of 12 new Fiber Optic links to provide additional support to several of our members' offices installed in the national IP/MPLS network. The links are in the construction/deployment phase prior to their activation with the use of logical redundancy protocols.

These links allow physical interconnection from the CPE equipment installed in the institutions to the CEDIA nodes, or between CPE equipment from different locations, thus allowing a "ring" architecture in order to provide extra redundancy to member locations between The beneficiary institutions are: UCUENCA, ULEAM, UNEMI, UTEQ, UPEC, USFQ, INOCAR, EPN, PUCE, UARTES, UCSG, CEDIA
