Vladimir Robles Bykbayev

«The only way we can be competitive at an international level is by developing solid research processes that allow us to generate advances in different areas of both production and scientific innovation.»

Omar Santiago Alvarado Cando

"Trust in the capabilities that Ecuadorian researchers have, that from each of our research centers we can generate science and solve problems in our society."

Juan Carlos Salamea Molina

«Red CEDIA has come a long way and has clear goals in terms of research, work networks, support and training.»

German Vicente Arevalo Bermeo

«I have benefited from programs such as Divulga Ciencia, CEPRA and CECIRA to carry out activities and capture ideas and projects that have been carried out thanks to the invaluable support of CEDIA through these programs.»

Alex Jerves

«Scientific and technological research and innovation are the only response and solution of society, of humanity and of a country to the problems, challenges and ills that afflict it and which it faces.»

Jenny Gabriela Torres Olmedo

« CEDIA is an alternative to the development of research and academia in Ecuador, where processes are agile, which allows research not to be limited by excessive administrative processes that sometimes exist in academic institutions.»

sann guun yoo

«The support provided by CEDIA , both economic, technological and human, is of great value, and will surely help to improve the results of their research processes.»

Silvia Gonzalez

«Red CEDIA has been very important in my career in Ecuador.»