March 10, 2021

The call for CEDIA speakers is open 

We allow you to have renowned exhibitors at your congress. The “ CEDIASpeaker” Contest aims to finance internationally recognized speakers to participate in conferences organized by CEDIAmember institutions, which contribute to the country's scientific and technological community, and which allow establishing links between researchers from CEDIA member institutions.

The call for CEDIA Read more "

How does our 1 to 1 fund program support the country's productive sector?

We link the academy with the Ecuadorian industry. CEDIA is executing a new program called 1 to 1 Fund, which seeks to link the educational sector with the country's productive sector, after a successful first call, in which 12 projects were approved that bring together various industrial sectors such as: technological , telecommunications,

How does our 1 to 1 fund program support the country's productive sector? Read more "

Call for Innova MOOC contest

Develop and present your MOOC proposal. CEDIAobjective is to foster and promote quality and pedagogical innovation through technology. Since the appearance of Massive Open and Online Courses (MOOC), CEDIA together with its members seeks to position itself as one of the pioneer countries in Latin America in the

Call for Innova MOOC contest Read More »

Get to know the wide academic offer offered by the EFC

More than 4000 courses available! On a monthly basis, our Continuing Training School offers a wide variety of courses and certifications in all areas of knowledge. We invite you to review our academic calendar for the month of March: EFC Courses – MARCH Advanced Linux AdministrationStart Date: 03/01/2021Date End: 03/31/2021Member Cost: 160 + VATNon-member Cost:

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