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Information and Communication Technologies in the Training of Health Professionals

General Objective: Organize, implement and evaluate a training program on the use of ICTs in four Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Universities of Cuenca, Loja, Autonomous de los Andes and Nacional del Chimborazo, to demonstrate its impact on learning and values ​​in the training process. Specific Objectives: Participants:

Information and Communication Technologies in the Training of Health Professionals Read More »

Strengthening and Consolidation of the Ecuadorian Group for the Experimental and Theoretical Study of Nanosystems GETNano UTPL-EPT-USFQ-ESPOCH

General Objective: Strengthening and Consolidation of the Ecuadorian Group for the Experimental and Theoretical Study of GETNano Nanosystems formed by UTPL-EPN-USFQ-ESPOCH, within the framework of the 4th call. Specific Objectives: Participants: Project status: Completed Project website: www.utpl.edu.ec/getnano Articles published by GETNano during the CEPRA VI Project: Manzano, S., Zambrano, CH, Mendez, MA, Dueno, E .

Strengthening and Consolidation of the Ecuadorian Group for the Experimental and Theoretical Study of Nanosystems GETNano UTPL-EPT-USFQ-ESPOCH Read More »

IV International Congress on Biotechnology and Biodiversity – CIBB 2018

Completed Status Researchers Daynet Sosa Del Castillo, Juan Manuel Cevallos, Leonardo Xavier León Castro, Milton Senen Barcos Arias, Jonathan Ricardo Coronel León, Julio Andrés Bonilla Jaime, Patricia Isabel Manzano Santana, Christian Abraham Romero Bonifaz, Diego Fernando Quito Ávila, Luis Lenin Galarza Romero, Efrén German Santos Ordoñez, Nardy Del Valle Diez García, Luis Eduardo Sánchez Timm,

IV International Congress on Biotechnology and Biodiversity – CIBB 2018 Read More »

Platform for Integration, Publication and Integrated Consultation of Bibliographic Resources on the Semantic Web

General Objective: The main objective of this project is the analysis, generation and publication of Linked Data from the libraries of the participating institutions, as well as the design and implementation of a framework that allows unified access focused on the user, anywhere. and at any time. To achieve this, the project will create a

Platform for Integration, Publication and Integrated Consultation of Bibliographic Resources on the Semantic Web Read More »

Coordination Services in the Cloud When the Intervening Elements are Anonymous

General Objective: This project aims to develop consensus services and fault detectors (for example, such as ZooKeeper) for distributed systems where the elements are anonymous or homonymous. We would like to highlight that this objective is pioneering at an international level, and that this research group includes Dr. Ernesto Jiménez, Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid,

Coordination Services in the Cloud When the Intervening Elements are Anonymous Read More »