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Enabling Kubernetes with Tanzu in the Corporation Cloud

The Infrastructure and IDI units of the Technical area participated in the implementation. The Technical area implemented VMware Tanzu, a suite of products and services based on open source technologies, designed to help our organization adopt modern application architectures and agile development practices using Kubernetes. The implementation was achieved through […]

Activation of Kubernetes with Tanzu in the Corporation's cloud Read More »

CEDIA 's Intellectual Property and Privacy area participated in the ASIPI international seminar

Photography: ASIPI CEDIA , through the Intellectual Property and Privacy area, participated in the International Intellectual Property Seminar, held by ASIPI. ASIPI is the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property -IP dedicated to updating, deepening and sharing its knowledge on IP matters. ASIPI, as an inter-American regional organization, is an observer member of the

CEDIA 's Intellectual Property and Privacy area participated in the ASIPI international seminar Read More »

The XII edition of the CIO University forum was developed with the participation of 13 universities

The forum allows you to exchange experiences and learn about new trends in information and communication technologies. The twelfth edition of the CIO University brought together Technology and Communication directors from 13 universities in the country. During May 18 and 19, the directors participated in talks on technological trends and good practices in the Institutions

The XII edition of the CIO University forum was developed with the participation of 13 universities Read More »

We create new links of cooperation

This new agreement will create training and technological exchange spaces. On May 11 CEDIA signed a cooperation agreement with the Chamber of Industries, Production and Employment – ​​CIPEM, to create training and technological exchange spaces in favor of education and the industrial and productive sectors of the region. In this event,

We create new cooperation links Read More »

CEDIA and the University of Cuenca signed the TICEC2023 agreement

This year the conference will take place from October 18 to 20. Every year researchers, students and professionals in the field of ICT share knowledge, knowledge and experiences about the design, development and application of ICT at the most important conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador – TICEC, organized

CEDIA and the University of Cuenca signed the TICEC2023 agreement Read More »

ESTALMAT seeks mathematical talents

The Este program seeks to detect, guide and stimulate students with exceptional mathematical talent. ESTALMAT is a project to STIMULATE MATHEMATICAL TALENT that has been developed in Spain since 1998 with the endorsement of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. CEDIA has been part of this great project since 2019

ESTALMAT seeks mathematical talents Read More »

CEDIA was part of the IV International Forum Building Planetary Citizenship

The Forum brought together 29 national and international speakers. Javier Valdiviezo, head of the CEDIA Academy Area, participated in the IV International Forum Building Planetary Citizenship. A space organized by the Technical University of Ambato – UTA to exchange knowledge, experiences and build critical thinking in the university community. The Forum is

CEDIA was part of the IV International Forum Building Planetary Citizenship Read More »