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February 2024

Postgraduate Scholarships for Masters and Doctorates in Art and Culture Abroad / 2024-08-16

National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt) and the Ministry of Culture and the Foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts (FINBA).
The National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt), in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and the Foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts (FINBA), presents the call \»Creation and knowledge towards the future\» to award scholarships postgraduate courses for culture and art professionals aimed at Mexican citizens who have been admitted or are enrolled in face-to-face master's or doctoral programs abroad and who have been pre-selected in the first stage of evaluation by the Education Support System. Creation and Cultural Projects (SACPC). The call covers a wide range of priority areas in art and culture, such as architecture, visual arts, dance, design, music, theater, cultural studies, and specializations related to Fine Arts, among others. The main benefits of this scholarship include monthly financial support for maintenance, payment of health insurance, and annual tuition coverage.

Postgraduate Scholarships for Masters and Doctorates in Art and Culture Abroad / 2024-08-16 Read more »

Call for Undergraduate Scholarships of the Federal University of Latin American Integration -UNILA- / 2024-07-29

Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA)
UNILA is located in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, on the border with Paraguay and Argentina. 480 places are offered in 29 undergraduate courses to citizens of 32 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Because it is a federal public university, training is free in all majors.

Call for Undergraduate Scholarships from the Federal University of Latin American Integration -UNILA- / 2024-07-29 Read more »

UNILA Scholarships in Brazil, 2025 / 2024-07-29

Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA)
The UNILA Scholarships in Brazil, 2025, are focused on Latin American and Caribbean students, with the exception of those of Brazilian nationality. They are intended for those who completed their secondary education outside Brazil and are seeking opportunities to pursue degree studies at UNILA. In addition, it is a requirement that they do not have an active link with UNILA degree programs and must be at least 18 years old at the time of online pre-registration. Applicants must prove their understanding of Spanish or Portuguese, unless they are natives of a Spanish-speaking country, and those from non-Spanish-speaking countries must demonstrate their linguistic competence through internationally recognized certifications. The main objectives of the scholarships are to select Latin American and Caribbean students, excluding Brazilians, to pursue degree studies at UNILA and to promote educational and cultural integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.

UNILA Scholarships in Brazil, 2025 / 2024-07-29 Read more »

Master's degree in labor studies and relations. Virtual / 2024-07-21

Organization of American States and FLACSO (Argentina)
The GS/OAS General Secretariat and the Argentine Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO Argentina) will grant 20 (twenty) scholarships in total. Each scholarship covers 50% of the total value of the Master's program in Labor Studies and Relations. The academic Proposal is intended for all those interested in training in the topics of studies and work relations. Aimed at union leaders, lawyers, legislators, public administrators and those in charge of related policies; professionals linked to the design and management of policies related to work and union organization; Vocational Training trainers and educators; graduates in labor relations, human resources, and other private management professionals.

Master's degree in labor studies and relations. Virtual / 2024-07-21 Read more »

Higher diploma in human development. Remote mode / 2024-07-21

Organization of American States and FLACSO (Argentina)
The GS/OAS General Secretariat through the Department of Development, Education and Employment (DDHEE), the GS/OAS supports its member states in the creation and execution of programs that promote development of capabilities at all educational levels, and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences Argentina (FLACSO Argentina) in its scientific work in the field of Social Sciences supported by the premises of ideological pluralism and excellence, combining academic rigor and commitment to the environment to contribute to the improvement of society. They will award 20 (twenty) scholarships in total. Each scholarship covers 50% of the total value of the Higher Diploma in Human Development program.

Higher diploma in human development. Remote mode / 2024-07-21 Read more »

Trampoline T-ECOS-Nord 2024 / 2024-07-15

Institut français Colombia
From the Institut français Colombia, an organization of the French Embassy in Colombia, the call “Trampolín T-ECOS Nord” is open for the third year with the purpose of: – diversifying the relational capital of the research communities – increasing the number and quality of proposals to the ECOS-Nord international mobility program for researchers, the central program of scientific cooperation between France and Colombia. – encourage the participation of French Colombian research teams in other research funding initiatives or programs. – encourage the participation of new teams from the territories. For this purpose, the French Embassy has identified the following challenges: 1. Promotion of new scientific networks and relationships between the scientific communities of Colombia and France. 2. Strengthening research capacities for Colombian researchers. 3. Strengthening regulatory capabilities

Trampoline T-ECOS-Nord 2024 / 2024-07-15 Read more »

Call for Scholarship I International Course Volcanology: Processes, Threat and Mitigation in the Context of Crisis 1st Online Edition – 2024 / 2024-07-12

Chilean Agency for International Development Cooperation |
AGCID Promote policies, strategies, programs and collaborative actions with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in accordance with the action priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 – 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 2030) The Course “Vulcanology: Processes, Threat and Mitigation in the Context of Crisis” hopes to be a concrete action of international cooperation that contributes to the development of professional, institutional and public policy capacities to advance towards communities that are more prepared and more resilient to natural disasters.

Call for Scholarship I International Course Volcanology: Processes, Threat and Mitigation in the Context of Crisis 1st Online Edition – 2024 / 2024-07-12 Read more »

Global Advanced Fellowship / 2024-07-11

National Institute for Health and Care Research NIHR
The Global Advanced Fellowship is a postdoctoral fellowship. The program will create a career path for global health researchers from the UK and low- and middle-income countries to become research leaders. It is aimed at postdoctoral researchers of all levels at different points in their career. Research, training and development projects, and the strengthening of institutional capacity, will be financed. The program funds researchers who carry out research that has the specific and primary objective of benefiting people in low- and middle-income countries who qualify for official development assistance (ODA).

Global Advanced Fellowship / 2024-07-11 Read more »

Community Engagement Exchange Scholarship Program (CEE) 2024-2025 / 2024-07-02

The CEE Program is a dynamic global network of innovators working with communities to address critical problems of the 21st century. CEE equips dedicated visionaries with the experience, skills and resources to develop multi-sector approaches and build healthy, engaged communities in more than 100 countries. A transformational leadership development experience, CEE is a year-long program designed to enable civil society leaders, ages 21-27, to harness the power of networks, relationships, and information for the public good. , specifically on issues related to civic dialogue and peacebuilding, open and participatory government, women and gender, environmental sustainability and youth participation. Scholarship components include: Three-month internship in the United States Leadership and Civic Engagement Academy Community Engagement Project (CEP)

Community Engagement Exchange Scholarship Program (CEE) 2024-2025 / 2024-07-02 Read more »

The Executive Directorate of CEDIA strengthens ties in the north of the country

Three member universities and the Diplomatic School of the Foreign Ministry of Ecuador were visited. At the beginning of this new year, the Executive Directorate of CEDIA made a productive visit to the north of the country. During this day, the delegation visited the Diplomatic School of the Foreign Ministry of Ecuador, where opportunities for collaboration aimed at

The Executive Directorate of CEDIA strengthens ties in the north of the country Read more »