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A total of 324 people participated in the Intellectual Property Week

The fourth edition of this event was organized with the support of UDLA and SENADI.

For the first time, the Property Week was developed in a hybrid way with the participation of 324 attendees and 50 organizations between academic, public and private. Strengthening the development and IP projects of the country.

This year, 39 projects applied to the National Fair of Academic Inventions; National and international speakers participated, who addressed a wide range of topics, including: Copyright, Industrial Property, Plant Varieties, Technological Surveillance and Technology Transfer.

, Innovating edition in the plastics sector was launched ; The TrendLab event was presented with the theme Plastics: Pre-consumer technology and post-consumer treatment , and the participation of the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries, Eng. Alfonso Abdo; and the second edition of the Meeting of Technology and Innovation Support Centers - CATI was held, with the participation of 20 CATI coordinators from various institutions at the national level.

The fourth edition of this CEDIA event was organized with the support of the Universidad de Las Américas and the National Service for Intellectual Rights (SENADI) and emphasized the strengthening of gender equity, increasingly motivating the participation of female researchers through national level, in addition to a marked equal gender participation in the keynotes.
