Accessible digital therapeutic education platform for people with respiratory rehabilitation needs

General Objective: Develop an accessible digital platform that provides therapeutic education to users according to their age, through distance respiratory self-rehabilitation sessions.

Specific objectives

  1. Investigate the state of the art and develop diagnostic and treatment material for respiratory therapy associated with COVID-19.
  2. Design a prototype of a digital platform for accessible therapeutic education that allows user registration and monitoring.
  3. Evaluate the proposed platform in a way that guarantees its usability and accessibility.
  4. Disseminate and train the community in the use of the digital platform so that they can use and benefit from the platform.

Participating Institutions:



Project director Nelly Patricia Acosta Vargas.

  • Mario Salvador González Rodríguez
  • Esteban Ortiz Prado
  • Gloria Filomena Acosta Vargas
  • Verónica Gabriela Maldonado Garcés
  • Mayra del Cisne Carrión Toro
  • Marco Oswaldo Santorum Gaibor
  • Manuel Ignacio Ayala Chauvin

Awarded budget: $50000,00

Project Status: Completed