General Objective: Develop an accessible digital platform that provides therapeutic education to users according to their age, through distance respiratory self-rehabilitation sessions.
Specific objectives
- Investigate the state of the art and develop diagnostic and treatment material for respiratory therapy associated with COVID-19.
- Design a prototype of a digital platform for accessible therapeutic education that allows user registration and monitoring.
- Evaluate the proposed platform in a way that guarantees its usability and accessibility.
- Disseminate and train the community in the use of the digital platform so that they can use and benefit from the platform.
Participating Institutions:
Project director Nelly Patricia Acosta Vargas.
- Mario Salvador González Rodríguez
- Esteban Ortiz Prado
- Gloria Filomena Acosta Vargas
- Verónica Gabriela Maldonado Garcés
- Mayra del Cisne Carrión Toro
- Marco Oswaldo Santorum Gaibor
- Manuel Ignacio Ayala Chauvin
Awarded budget: $50000,00
Project Status: Completed