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Advanced Innovation Certification

Training focused on contributing to the exchange of technology and knowledge in an optimal way and according to the needs of the ecosystem

CEDIA , through its coordination of Innovation and Technology Transfer, strengthens the culture of Knowledge Management, Intellectual Property, Innovation and Technology Transfer through its certification in Advanced Innovation. During the years 2019 to 2021, around 200 people have been trained in Intellectual Property and other related topics that include: Innovation, Technology Surveillance, Knowledge Management and Transfer.

This program is developed with the support of the Continuing Education School (EFC) and with the academic endorsement of CEDIA , TECNNOVA, DENTONS PAZ HOROWITZ, K-INTANGIBLES.

General Objective
This certification is aimed at training in Knowledge Management for Science, Technology and Innovation in the areas of: Strategic knowledge management, Protection of intellectual property rights and Intellectual property management, transfer of results and aims to provide information on alternatives for the commercialization of innovative research results.

The methodology used for this plan is that of Experiential Learning, through which the tutors and teachers of the courses, as well as the attendees, will discuss the topics in relation to the specific and real circumstances within their organizations to which they will apply the concepts and expertise learned; for this, the teachers of our plan are professional experts in the specific areas of teaching.

Module 1: Innovation Management July 25 to August 26/2022
Module 2. Intellectual Property September 19 to October 14/2022
Module 3. Technology Management October 24 to November 18/2022

With the endorsement of

Learn more about the certification by entering the following link
