Analysis of the level of service and proposals for improvements for medical emergency routes in the urban area of ​​the Cuenca canton

General Objective: Analyze the levels of response to medical emergencies in a zoned territory, by analyzing travel times implicit in the spatial distribution of health services and ambulance stations.

Specific objectives:

  • Know and quantify the current situation regarding the spatial distribution of health services and ambulance stations. The objective is measured by visualizing quantities and locations through a digitized map using the geographic information tool QGIS2.
  • Analyze, for each area of ​​the city, the travel times to them by ambulance and from them to health services. The objective is measured by the generation of an accessibility map (isochronous curves), digitized using the geographic information tool QGIS.
  • Recommend solutions and recalculate isochrons and accessibility. The objective is measured through the solutions formulated, and its impact can be visualized through a digitized map using the QGIS geographic information tool.
  • Develop a web and mobile application to inform citizens about the locations of services and stations, as well as the emergency routes created and offer assistance by guiding the driver step by step during the route.

Participating Institutions:



Project director Elina María Avila Ordóñez.

  • Iván Andrés Mendoza Vázquez
  • José Luis Llamuca Llamuca
  • Francisco Fernando Calderón Peralvo
  • William Vicente Guartazaca Sisalima

Awarded budget: $28772,22

Project Status: Completed