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Aramis Sanchez Juarez

"Through CEDIA I meet many fellow researchers and we find out what we do, we invite each other to events. There is greater and better interaction between researchers."

PhD in physics specialized in optics.
Professor of physics, mathematics and thermodynamics at the Private Technical University of Loja UTPL.

The project deals with the study of materials, optical, chemical and mechanical methods, whose main objective is to generate MOOC courses and tutorials, with which anyone can learn about materials characterization. We want to promote this line of research with the joint work between the EPN, ESPOCH and UTPL universities. In each university there are teams to characterize materials, where the material that will make up this MOOC will be produced. We have an X-ray diffractometer, MRI equipment, mechanical resistance tests, and fluorescence equipment. In addition, we have equipment for optical spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy.

As there are not many specialists in materials characterization, and new materials are generated every day in university chemistry laboratories, we saw it as important to create a working group of people dedicated to material characterization and research on this topic. , since today, the economy is directed to products with added value and not to raw materials.

Since young. When I started studying physics I knew that I had to do research even to get a doctorate, the market demands PhDs in physics or mathematics. It is difficult for one to get a job if they do not have a very high level of education.

Second, my personal interest in renewable energy.

Speaking about the project, chemistry has been a challenge for me, since when investigating materials, chemistry topics must necessarily be applied. However, I try to keep a team of people who know what I don't know, to collaborate with each other and move the project forward.

It is the first time that I have experience with CEDIA .

The follow-up that CEDIA staff gives to the project is very important, they answer any questions we have. Another benefit used is the repository platform where we will upload the MOOCs. I'm even contacting someone who will help us on this.

It's quite good because, for example, I wouldn't have any interaction with ESPOCH personnel if it wasn't through CEDIA . I know many fellow researchers and we find out what we do, we invite each other to events. There is greater and better interaction between researchers.

There is a lot of initiative. However, they rely a lot on the experience of foreigners before that of their colleagues, although I believe that there are many prepared Ecuadorians who can do their job well.

The country's natural resources are very well researched (technically speaking), unlike Mexico, where other research is done.

Greater communication between them, there are jobs that are not being carried out due to the lack of proposals or lack of communication.

In the UTPL they publish a monthly scientific magazine where the projects of different research groups are written. In this way, one can learn about the progress made by the university. At the country level, something similar should be done.

I don't know, I need a bigger picture. But I think we are on the right track, a lot of people investigate very interesting topics.

Don't be discouraged, lose your fear of science like math and physics. I teach the first three cycles of university students, and I see that there is a lot of discouragement.

On the other hand, I tell researchers to listen to students. Many of the topics proposed for the aforementioned MOOCs are proposed by the students.

I am very grateful to CEDIA , I have had a lot of support from them since I arrived in the country. We must interact more among researchers and lose the fear of sharing their ideas and projects.