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CSIRT area was part of the 35th edition of the FIRST Conference

The conference ran from June 4-9 in Montreal, Canada.

CEDIA participated in the FIRST Conference, an important space that has been developed for 35 years by the Canadian organization that bears the same name.

FIRST is an international organization of Computer Security and Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs), Product Security and Incident Response Teams (PSIRTs), and independent security researchers.

The objective of this forum is to promote cooperation and coordination in the prevention of incidents, stimulating a rapid reaction in a way that promotes the exchange of information between members and the community in general.

In the 35th edition of the FIRST Conference, the theme "Empowering Communities" was addressed. From CEDIA , Jorge Merchán, member of the CSIRT team, participated in the Committee of this Program. The selection looks at expertise in key areas related to program goals, regional balance, and previous experience on program and content committees.
