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Study and Consultation Material

Academic authorities are provided with high-level bibliographic and study material focused on strategic areas of the academic function of the country's HEIs.
The Rectors' Forum is an annual event aimed at the rectors of CEDIA member universities. This specialized training addresses topics of interest and includes the participation of national and international exhibitors. In addition, future ecosystems are presented for immersion trips.
CIO University is an event dedicated to the Directors of Information and Communication Technologies of the Higher Education Institutions of Ecuador, members of CEDIA . This training event also includes networking spaces and presentations on the latest trends in information and communication technologies.
The CEDIA Infodays are events designed for the academic community of our member institutions, where the available benefits are presented and socialized. These meetings facilitate the adoption of the various benefits offered by CEDIA .
They are an exclusive space for dialogue and cooperation, designed for the leaders of the member institutions. These meetings encourage the exchange of knowledge and collaboration in joint projects, promoting the advancement of the science, technology and innovation ecosystem.
Discussion space between academia, the private sector, entrepreneurship, the public sector and civil society where relevant ideas and projects are exposed in relation to a specific technological trend or a product with great potential at the national level.
Linking space between academia, public and private sectors to present new trends in information and communication technologies.