Status: Completed
General Objective: Train Ecuadorian researchers and potential researchers in theoretical and experimental particle astrophysics, to promote cutting-edge research in the area and related areas, especially using Cherenkov water tanks under the Latin American LAGO (Large Aperture Gamma Ray Burst Observatory) project. .
Link: Astroparticles in LAGO

Speaker – Hernán Asorey
PhD in Physics Researcher at the Particle and Radiation Detection Laboratory.
National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA).
High Energy Technology and Research Management, Bariloche Atomic Center (CAB).
Postdoctoral stay in the Relativity and Gravitation Research Group and in the Halley Group of Astronomy and Aerospace Sciences, School of Physics, Universidad de Santander, Colombia (at the time of training).

Speaker – Sergio Dasso
PhD in Physics Researcher Scientific Researcher Career at CONICET. Adjunct Professor, FCEN University of Buenos Aires.