Santiago Ruilova

Residence between fibers: Revitalization and Permanence.

Status: Completed General Objective: Strengthen the skills and knowledge of teachers and students through a training project and exchange of knowledge between teachers, students and artisans, for the implementation and direction of different creative projects that incorporate the «»handmade» element » as added value. Specific Objective: Participants: UCUENCA, UARTES Project Director: Rosana […]

Residence between fibers: Revitalization and Permanence. Read more "

Identification and analysis of technological and consumption trends in the productive sector of Zone 6

Status: Completed General Objective: The program seeks to generate a space for linking and training between the productive sector, academia and the public sector of Zone 6, on tools and methodologies for the identification and analysis of technological and consumer trends for the promotion of productive innovation. The workshop more than

Identification and analysis of technological and consumption trends in the productive sector of Zone 6 Read more »

Interdisciplinary curricular design, from a STS approach, to promote complementarity between Civil Engineering and Social Sciences in the Higher Education System of Ecuador

General Objective: Design a multidisciplinary class/course proposal/model within the curricular planning of the Civil Engineering careers of the Ecuadorian National Higher Education System, based on an approach from Science, Technology and Society (STS) studies. , which allows improving the current training of civil engineers, through complementarity

Interdisciplinary curricular design, from a STS approach, to promote complementarity between Civil Engineering and Social Sciences in the Higher Education System of Ecuador Read more »

Distribution, prevalence and impact of Cactus virus X and Schlumbergeravirus X in commercial pitahaya plantations in Ecuador

General Objective: Determine the prevalence and effect on the production and quality of fruits of the CVX and SchVX viruses in pitahaya crops in Ecuador. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: ESPOL, ESPOCH, ESPAM. Participants: Project Director Lisbeth del Rocío Espinoza Lozano Awarded budget: $46,750.00 Project status: Completed

Distribution, prevalence and impact of Cactus virus X and Schlumbergeravirus X in commercial pitahaya plantations in Ecuador Read more »

Digital Platform for the Calculation of the Discount Rate and Business Valuation for MSMEs in Ecuador

General Objective: Develop a Digital platform in the Year 2023 that allows you to accurately determine the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and find the value of a company or venture, considering its own characteristics and those of the macro and micro environment in which it operates. MSMEs develop. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCUENCA, UDA, UNACH.

Digital Platform for Calculating the Discount Rate and Business Valuation for MSMEs in Ecuador Read more »

Graphene quantum dots as a new platform for the treatment of solid tumors with the highest incidence in Ecuador

General Objective: Develop a platform based on GQDs for the efficient transport of genes and drugs applied in in vitro models of tumors with the highest incidence in Ecuador. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTE, EPN, UTA. Participants: Project Director Rebeca Eugenia González Pastor Awarded Budget: $38,500.00 Project Status: Completed

Graphene quantum dots as a new platform for the treatment of solid tumors with the highest incidence in Ecuador Read more »

Production of Natural Bioplastics from Waste and Agricultural By-products of Ecuador Assisted by In Silico Screening.

General Objective: Develop new bioplastics applicable in the plastic industry of Ecuador through the use of low-cost and natural plasticizers and solvents identified by virtual screening with computational tools. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: USFQ, EPN, UTA. Participants: Project Director Frank Alexis Awarded Budget: $46,750.00 Project Status: Completed

Production of Natural Bioplastics from Waste and Agricultural By-products of Ecuador Assisted by In Silico Screening. Read more "

Decision support system based on artificial intelligence to stimulate the formal commercial sector of intermediate cities

General Objective: Design the prototype of a generalized software tool for decision making based on artificial intelligence that allows establishing commercial and/or business strategies. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCUENCA, UCE, UCACUE, UTPL. Participants: Project director JORGE ARTURO CAMPOVERDE CAMPOVERDE Awarded budget: $40,800.00 Project status: Completed

Decision support system based on artificial intelligence to stimulate the formal commercial sector of intermediate cities Read more »

Educational innovation: Taptana Cañari pedagogical proposal and the value of solidarity.

General Objective: Validate the “Taptana Cañari Pedagogical Proposal and the value of solidarity” as a didactic, pedagogical and innovative resource that favors the development of the interdisciplinary learning process for the formation of critical and reflective citizens. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UNAE, IKIAM, UCE. Participants: Project Director Marco Vinicio Vásquez Bernal Project Status:

Educational innovation: Taptana Cañari pedagogical proposal and the value of solidarity. Read more "

Analysis of the level of service and proposals for improvements for medical emergency routes in the urban area of ​​the Cuenca canton

General Objective: Analyze the levels of response to medical emergencies in a zoned territory, by analyzing travel times implicit in the spatial distribution of health services and ambulance stations. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCUENCA, UDA, ESPOCH Participants: Project Director Elina María Avila Ordóñez. Awarded budget: $28,772.22 Project status: Completed

Analysis of the level of service and proposals for improvements for medical emergency routes in the urban area of ​​the Cuenca canton Read more »