We protect the security and backup of your information

Data is the essence of any organization. 60% of institutions and businesses that lose critical data were shut down within 6 months of the loss. Data loss is often a major concern for software-as-a-service (SaaS) customers, as SaaS providers' backup policies cannot guarantee complete and rapid restoration of lost data.
Data can be compromised by user error, hacking, timing issues, or malicious insider information. Data loss and the worry that surrounds it can be easily avoided by pairing SaaS applications with a complete BaaS (Backup as a Service) backup and recovery solution, through CEDIA.
Licensing such as storage is included in your plan contracted with CEDIA, below is a description of the capacities that each member has. How do HEIs benefit from having support from CEDIA? Having a Backup outside the institution generates an increase in confidence that my critical data will be stored in a place geographically outside of any problem that occurs in the data center of my institution.
CEDIA has immutable type storage, guaranteeing ransomware problems or attacks that the backup repository may have. For the deployment of the solution, job training type implementation sessions are held where the administrators who will use the tool learn its use and operation while it is being installed. The BackUp service can be resized, that is, if more storage is required or more virtual machines can be purchased separately.