- Description
- CALL 2026
- Frequent questions
- Winning projects
- R&D&i XIX – 2024
- R&D&I XVIII – 2023
- R&D&i XVII – 2022
- CEPRA XVI – 2022
- CEPRA XV – 2021
- CEPRA XIV – 2020
- CEPRA XIII – 2019
- CEPRA XII – 2018
- CEPRA XI – 2017
- CEPRA X – 2016
- CEPRA IX – 2015
- CEPRA VIII – 2014
- CEPRA VII – 2013
- CEPRA VI – 2011
- CEPRA V – 2011
- CEPRA IV – 2010
- CEPRA III – 2010
- CEPRA II – 2009
- CEPRA I – 2009
The R&D&i FUND, previously known as the Ecuadorian Competition for Advanced Network Projects – CEPRA, was born with the purpose of financing research projects proposed by CEDIAmember institutions, in different areas of knowledge.
The R&D&I FUND aims to finance scientific and applied research, technological development and innovation projects, proposed by its member institutions, and that contribute to the development of the country, making administrative resources available to participating institutions. and technological that CEDIA has available.
CEDIA, through the R&D&I FUND, calls on its full member institutions to compete with their proposals for financing the development of scientific and applied research projects, technological development and innovation..
For the programming of the fund, 3 execution phases are contemplated:
- Application Phase: From May 1 to July 1, 2024.
- Project Development Phase: includes activities related to obtaining the research product. Within this phase, the research process must be developed in its entirety. All activities planned by the research team must be carried out in the first 12 months.
A justified extension of a maximum of 90 days may be requested, the approval of which will be at the discretion of the area related to the fund. During the extension period, only the technical activities of the project will be executed and no financial execution will be carried out.
- Knowledge Management Phase: includes activities related to knowledge management, intellectual property, technology transfer or dissemination and dissemination of results as appropriate, according to the nature of the project and the results of the transfer evaluation deployed by the Innovation area and Technology Transfer and the area of Intellectual Property. CEDIA services will be used through its specialized units, and each project must undergo a knowledge management evaluation.
This phase will have an execution period of 12 months from the closing of the Project Development phase.
The minimum products generated within the knowledge management phase are:
- Communication products
- Initial Technology Surveillance Report
- Protection feasibility report
- Indexed publication, which must include thanks to CEDIA
R&D&I Fund Phases | Execution time |
Application Phase | From May 1 to July 1, 2024 |
Project Development Phase | 12 months |
Knowledge Management Phase | 12 months from the closing of the project development phase. (Does not include research activities) |
to. Applicant institutions must be full members of CEDIA with a current Advanced Network contract.
b. Non-member institutions may collaborate within the proposal and will participate on a self-financed basis. For this purpose, external organizations will present a commitment letter detailing the items, amounts and form of financing (cash or valued species) signed by the Legal Representative of the same, or failing that, any legal instrument that allows formalizing the relationship. of the institution in the research project.
c. - employed researchers without links to higher education institutions may participate, for which an ad honorem letter must be presented in the format established at cedia https://cedia.edu.ec/docs/fondos/FondoIdiUniversidades/MODELO%20Carta%20Ad %20-%20Honorem.docx
d. The proposal must have the participation of at least three full member institutions of CEDIA whose proposing headquarters are in at least two different cities.
and. must be registered on the EasyChair platform, which must include the application form and application annexes in PDF format available at cedia https://cedia.edu.ec/beneficio/fondo-idi-universidades/convocatoria/
F. If third party permissions are required, the documents must be registered on the Easy Chair platform as an annex.
g. Present the letters of commitment and responsibility and other legal instruments signed by the legal representatives of the participating Institutions, or their delegates, available at cedia https://cedia.edu.ec/docs/fondos/FondoIdiUniversidades/CARTA%20COMPROMISO%202024 . docx upload to the Easy Chair platform in PDF format. In the event that the commitment letters are signed by delegates of the legal representative, they will be accompanied by the document that supports said designation.
h. If the commitment letters or other legal instruments have a physical signature, they must be sent to the CEDIA – Cuenca facilities.
Yo. Proposals must be original and include clear objectives, so proposals that are continuations of projects previously financed by CEDIAwill not be accepted.
j. The project activities must be developed mainly in Ecuador.
k. All members of the research team must be registered within the Ecuadorian Repository of Researchers (REDI): https://redi. cedia .edu.ec/ and update your profile on the application date.
l. Additionally, team members must have an ORCID code and update their profile information as of the application date.
m. Include the designation of one of the team members, who is a professor or researcher at one of the participating institutions and who has a fourth-level degree, to assume the functions of project director and another as co-director. If among the proposing educational institutions, one or some of these institutions are full members of CEDIA, the director and co-director of the project must be chosen, necessarily, from among the researchers who come from these institutions. If there is a change in the Project Director under the aforementioned conditions, the highest authority of the IES or his delegate must notify CEDIA in writing in order to record the process and maintain continuity and fluidity of communication during the project.
n. The directors, researchers, technical and research assistants who make up a project may apply and participate in only one proposal for each call and if they have participated in previous proposals, they must have completed at least the development phase of the project and have the respective closing minutes.
either. cedia of the Universities R&D Fund available on the Fund's website: https://cedia.edu.ec/beneficio/fondo-idi-universidades/convocatoria/ and attach to your application the certificates.
p. The director, co-director and researchers must personally sign the letter of transfer of rights available at: https:// cedia .edu.ec/docs/fondos/FondoIdiUniversidades/Carta%20de%20Cesi%C3%B3n%20de%20derechos %20FONDO%20I+D+i%20AM.docx and attach to it a copy of the identity card.
to. CEDIA will finance up to USD 50,000.00 per project.
b. Participating institutions must contribute, as a minimum amount, the equivalent of 30% of the total value of the project budget, value that can be contributed in cash and/or valued species such as researcher fees, use of equipment, among others, that are verifiable.
c. The total budget of the project will allow financing the following items:
- Professional fees: In the event that the activities related to the development of the research project require additional personnel to that committed by the participating university, technicians and research assistants may be hired under the figure of professional services; to do so, they must have a third-year degree. level and that it is duly justified. The maximum monthly amount to cover this type of item is $1,000.00 (including VAT) per technician. There are no budget ceilings for this item.
Payment will be made upon approval of the technical report in the formats requested by CEDIA and delivery of the personal invoice.
Persons who maintain a dependency relationship with the participating institutions may not be hired under this category. - Consulting: services required for specific and specialized tasks for the development of the project that cannot be executed by any member of the research team. Up to 25% of CEDIA 's total financing may be allocated and for a maximum period of three months. No consultancy will last longer than the stipulated time and the consulting professional must have at least a fourth level degree.
- Materials, supplies and parts: budget without restriction with respect to the budget assigned by CEDIA, as long as it maintains a direct relationship with the project.
- Materials and supplies: elements that are used to create an object or through transformation processes and that are strictly related to the achievement of the project objectives.
- Parts: The term part is used to designate an element that makes up a larger group of elements and that fulfills a specific function in it. The part is always a proportion of the whole.
Within this item, purchases of office materials, supplies and accessories are excluded.
- Equipment: item intended for the acquisition of long-lasting goods such as: equipment, furniture, machinery, tools, among others. Computer packages and software, real estate and intangible assets are excluded. Equipment may be acquired to be used exclusively for the project as long as it does not exist in the infrastructure provided by CEDIA , that it is not available within the IES or that the existing equipment at CEDIA does not conform to what the project requires. The maximum value for equipment will be up to 40% of the total financed by CEDIA .
The equipment will be delivered to participating member institutions as a donation. - Licenses and software:
- Tickets and subsistence: for travel financing, essential activities for the development of the project may be contemplated that can be carried out at a national or international level, such as: field trips, attendance at conferences, etc. For all cases it will be financed as long as it is evident that the activity is related to the research process of the project and presentation of its results.
This financing is directed only to members of the research team and technical assistants hired by CEDIA for the project.
For all activities derived from travel, the items to be financed are:
Travel item | Maximum budget allowed |
Travel expenses | USD 60 food and internal mobilization
Values assigned per day. If the accommodation includes breakfast, it will be reduced by USD 15, which corresponds to the value assigned for it. |
Lodging | Up to USD 100.00 per night including taxes |
Tickets | According to quote |
- Access to specialized information sources: there is no budget restriction in reference to the total financed by CEDIA .
- Other direct services related to the nature of the call: all services not included in the other categories, and that are considered direct actions required for the development of the research project, such as, for example: sequencing, laboratory services, translations, etc This item has no budget limit in reference to the total financed by CEDIA .
- Registration for the ICT EC Congress: The budget must include the value of USD 112.00 for the registration of the project director or his delegate.
For other members of the research team who wish to participate virtually in the congress, registration will be free of charge. - Attendance at the TICEC Congress: the budget must include the value of mobilization and travel expenses for the Project Director or his delegate, in order to attend the TICEC Congress in person. The amounts to be financed are in accordance with what is established in the travel table in this section.
Other team members who wish to participate in person may do so on a self-financed basis. - Unforeseen events: CEDIA may be reserved to cover existing variations in the prices of the approved procurement list.
This item may be used only for this purpose. If it is not used during the Development Phase, this value will be transferred to the Knowledge Management Phase; specifically for Technological Surveillance, Strategic Intelligence and Intellectual Property products. - Knowledge Management Plan: The knowledge management plan will maintain fixed values destined for the production of the following items:
- Communication products: $400,00
- Technological Surveillance and Strategic Intelligence Products: worth USD $900.00
- Technological Surveillance: A report with the objective of contextualizing the proposed research within the state of the art. This is the first approach to understand similar technological developments and begin to establish possible intellectual protection strategies. In addition, researchers will be provided with patent documents highly relevant to their project that can contribute favorably to its execution.
- Strategic Intelligence: Specialized service aimed at projects whose technology transfer potential is still undefined and that would benefit from having specialized support to direct the research to have the greatest possible impact.
- Protection Analysis Report (IP): Report that establishes the potential of the creations generated in the research project to obtain Intellectual Property (IP) rights, valued at USD 1,300.00.
If you choose to continue with the protection process, a Commitment Minute must be signed to begin the respective procedures for protection (PI), either with CEDIA or with third parties. For this purpose, this input will be prioritized over communication products.
If the suggested protection process is not followed, the indexed publication will proceed. And the value intended for protection will be void.
These services will be managed and produced directly by CEDIA, and will be the minimum essentials that will be planned in all applicant projects.
- Publications and Attendance at Conferences : if there is no viability of intellectual property protection or if the recommendation issued in the IP report is not accepted, researchers must submit a publication within journals indexed in SCOPUS or WOS, which must include the thanks to CEDIA Indexed Publication.
In the case of artistic or literary production, it must be classified as a relevant work in accordance with the provisions of Ecuadorian legislation for this purpose. Self-published works or works published by predatory publishers will not be accepted.
The budget must consider taxes, currency outflows, bank commissions, among other values related to online payments and payments abroad. If the values intended for this item are not used, it may be reprogrammed for the use of communication and dissemination material.
No publications may be made prior to the protection feasibility analysis issued by the Intellectual Property area of CEDIA .
It is important to remember that the management of knowledge regarding intellectual property, specifically with respect to economic rights, is the sole and exclusive decision of the legal representatives of each participating institution.
Table 1: Budget distribution according to the items allowed for financing by CEDIA
Items | Maximum amounts allowed |
Professional fees for Technical and Research Assistants and others. | USD 1,000.00 monthly (including VAT) |
Consulting | up to 25% of total CEDIAfinancing |
Materials, Supplies and Parts | No restrictions regarding the CEDIAbudget. |
Teams | Up to 40% of the total financed by CEDIA |
Tickets and subsistence | USD 15.00 per meal/day USD 15.00 mobilization/day Up to USD 100.00 lodging/day Tickets according to quote |
Access to specialized information sources | No restrictions regarding the CEDIAbudget |
Other direct services related to the nature of the call | Budget without restriction with respect to the budget assigned by CEDIA |
TICEC Registrations (Project Director) | $112.00 |
TICEC Assistance Project Director | According to the conditions established in the “Travel” category |
Unforeseen | Up to 10% of the budget requested from CEDIA. |
Knowledge Management Plan |
| USD. 400.00 |
| USD 900,00 |
| USD 1,300.00 |
| At the discretion of the research group |
to. The administrative and financial management of the project will be carried out by CEDIA.
b. Project acquisitions must be carried out in accordance with the approved Application Annex.
c.In exceptional cases and with prior justification, the Project Director may request changes to the procurement table only once, as long as they do not affect the scope, deadline and achievement of the project objectives. It will be evaluated and approved by the project manager assigned by CEDIA. This modification in the acquisition list may not exceed 15% of the items detailed in the initially approved list.
d. This modification of the acquisition list can be made from the second semester of the project.
and. In the execution of the project, only the Project Director may request, one time only, changes to the approved budget, as long as said changes do not alter the total amount financed by CEDIA or the approved scope; This request must be justified. Any modification to the budget will be approved by the project manager. CEDIA is not responsible for expenses incurred without its authorization.
F. The Project Director may make changes to the schedule one time only, as long as they do not affect the scope, deadline, and achievement of the project objectives.
g. The Project Director may request a single extension in the project execution period for a maximum of 90 additional days. During the extension period, only the technical activities of the project will be executed and no financial execution corresponding to the Development Phase of the project will be carried out.
h. Any acquisition to be made with CEDIAresources will be carried out through its operating units, following internal procedures and in accordance with the bases. It is recommended that any purchase request be sent within 30 business days.
Yo. Acquisitions that cannot be carried out directly by CEDIA must be carried out by the participating institutions, in coordination and with prior approval from CEDIA.
j. The assets acquired with CEDIA resources will be delivered to the parties through a donation document.
k. All purchases made directly by participants and that require reimbursement must have prior approval from CEDIA. For reimbursement you must present:
k1) Original consumption invoices or other authorized receipts in the name of a team member who has duly authorized tax documents (the receipts may not contain alcoholic beverages in the description).
k2) When the acquisitions are less than US$1,000.00 plus VAT, the acquisition report must be presented and when the acquisitions exceed US$1,000.00 plus VAT, the acquisition report, three proformas and a comparative table must be presented according to the formats established by CEDIA.
k3) Reimbursement requests must be made no later than 15 days after the execution of the expense.
l. The budget must be subject to what is determined in this document. All acquisitions corresponding to the Project Development Phase must be scheduled for the first nine months and on a quarterly basis.
m. All unused values will not be delivered to the IES.
n. The execution of the project budget must be carried out only within the period established in the agreement that will be signed for its effect. Any expense incurred outside of this period will not be covered by CEDIA.
either. The list of human resources, their role and the period of participation in the project of each of the researchers cannot be modified throughout its execution, as it is considered an enabling document for the signing of the agreements, unless, the institution permanently disengages him or her or it is considered essential to add a new member.
o.1) In the event of separation of any of the team members or Ad Honorem researchers, it will be the Project Director, or failing that the Co-Director, who will notify CEDIA about the matter in a timely manner and will issue the necessary actions to guarantee the continuity of the project, within a maximum period of 30 days. For these cases, it is necessary to appoint a replacement who has the same characteristics, capabilities and professional career as the staff who is leaving.
o.2) In the event of a new member joining, the letter of responsibility and endorsement from the highest authority must be presented that expresses consent regarding the assignment of the new researcher's workload, as well as a reasoned report from the Director. or Co-Director that justifies its connection and the specific actions to be carried out.
p. All values financed by CEDIA, whose expenditure has not been duly justified, will be returned within a maximum period of 30 days from notification. The project will not be able to close the Project Development Phase until the reimbursement of unjustified expenses is made.
q. CEDIA will not carry out import processes; Only the purchase of licenses, software or other intangibles will be managed. For these cases, you must manage directly from the IES and CEDIA will proceed to issue refunds or advances.
CEDIA will not finance:
to. Fees or bonuses for researchers or staff who are hired by a higher education institution under any modality.
b. Technological equipment that CEDIA or the participating institutions have in their infrastructure and are available to their researchers.
c. Services that are offered by CEDIA.
d. Maintenance and repairs of equipment or machinery of the institutions that make up the project.
and. Purchase of supplies, parts and accessories that are not duly justified or do not have a direct impact on the project.
F. Payments for registration fees, tuition fees and research stays for personnel linked to the project.
g. Transfers and accommodation for people who do not belong to the research team.
h. Organization of conferences and workshops to disseminate results.
Yo. Any additional value in the purchase of tickets generated by fines or penalties due to cancellations or changes of date or destination.
j. Tickets purchased and not used.
k. Indirect costs such as rent, basic services, regular transportation to and from the offices or facilities where the project is developed.
l. Expenses for visa application, illness, medical insurance and others.
m. Non-specialized printers.
n. Office supplies.
either. Training plans for research team personnel
p. Cell phones, chips, airtime for minutes
q. Any acquisition that has not been previously contemplated within the acquisition planning form submitted to CEDIA in the application or previously approved by the manager according to the nature of the fund, as well as those acquisitions that have been made outside the established schedule.
to. The evaluation and selection process will contain two processes: a formal evaluation and a substantive evaluation.
1) Form evaluation: all applications will be subjected to a form review that will consist of verifying compliance with the application requirements, established in section 5 of this document.
Within the formal evaluation process there will only be two opportunities for correction, which will have a period of 72 hours from the notification of the process. If the modifications or delivery of complementary documentation requested by CEDIA is not made within the stipulated time, the proposal will be automatically discarded.
2) Substantive evaluation: all applications that comply with the formal review will be subjected to substantive evaluations carried out by a committee made up of international academic peers and specialists in innovation and transfer, granting a numerical rating out of 100 points. In all cases, comments, observations and recommendations for improvement will be included.
The substantive evaluation will analyze criteria of scientific and methodological quality, feasibility, degree of innovation, transfer potential of the project and impact at the national, regional or local level.
b. Only 20% of the best-scored proposals will be considered for award.
c. These proposals will be subject to a review of budgetary relevance.
d. The selection will be made in strict order of priority based on the score obtained in the evaluation process.
and. It will be awarded first to those proposals that exceed 90 points, to which the requested budget will be granted based on the review of budgetary relevance.
F. If once the proposals that exceed 90 points have been awarded, there are still funds available in the budget of the call, the Academic and Research Commission may recommend to the Executive Directorate the selection of additional applications until the budget is exhausted. In these cases, the award will be made for a budget that will not exceed 80% of the value requested in the application based on the review of relevance.
g. Those selected proposals must necessarily comply with the changes and suggestions established by each of the members of the evaluation committee, as well as those established by the Academic and Research Commission in relation to the relevance of the budget. The corrections made must be sent to CEDIA in a period of no more than 7 calendar days from the notification received.
If the changes requested by the evaluators and the Academic and Research Commission are not made, the award of the fund will not proceed and the proposal will be discarded.
Applications that have passed the evaluation phase and have corrected the formal and substantive observations will be notified about the selection process and the R&D&I Fund will be awarded for the amount approved in the application form and annexes. , according to the distribution and conditions established there.
CEDIA will send an adhesion agreement within a period of 15 days from the selection notification, which will be signed by each of the legal representatives of the participating educational institutions, or their delegates, and by the Executive Director of CEDIA.
The documentation must be sent by the selected institutions within a period of 30 calendar days from the sending of the documents by CEDIA.
In order for the relevant authorities of the universities to be aware of the execution of the project, quarterly reports will be issued that explain the progress of the project and particularities that may arise during its execution.
Applicants undertake to:
- Be responsible for the application they make, and exempt CEDIA from all liability regarding any claim or damage arising from their application within all stages of its development.
- Make the declarations of responsibility contained in the application form.
Send all documentation inherent to the R&D&i Fund that is requested by CEDIA.
In case of award, they undertake to:
- Subject to the terms and conditions of the respective adhesion agreement and its annexes sent by CEDIA and, therefore, accept that it cannot be modified.
- Comply with the bases of the funds and the agreement or contract that is signed.
- Do not infringe third party rights.
- Exempt CEDIA and hold it harmless from any liability arising from a claim made by third parties whether administrative, judicial or extrajudicial.
- Notify CEDIA within a maximum period of 72 hours of any developments that arise in relation to the awarded project.
- Act with ethics and professionalism.
- When the type of fund requires it, assign a project director and co-director who belongs to one of the higher education institutions that are full members of CEDIA participating in the project.
- Sign the adhesion agreement, understanding that no changes can be made to this document.
- For CEDIAmembers, keep the advanced network contract in force during all stages of the fund for which they applied. If not, the financial execution of the project will be suspended until the situation is resolved. In the event that the problem persists for more than 30 days, the project will be closed in which case CEDIA may claim the return of the financed values and claim damages.
- Present quarterly reports on the progress of execution of the Development Phase of the project in the formats provided for this purpose and when the schedule and the responsible area of CEDIA deem it appropriate.
- Present a final report of the Project Development Phase signed by the project director within a maximum period of 10 days from the last day established in the schedule of this phase, according to the format established for this purpose and with the supporting documents. support determined by the project manager designated by CEDIA.
- Manage the signing of the respective transfers of rights.
- Manage the signing of the agreement by the legal representative of the applicant institution and send it within the required period.
to. The awarded projects may be terminated for the following reasons:
- For compliance with the obligations of the agreement and the objectives of the project
- By mutual agreement of the parties: Due to duly proven force majeure or unforeseen events, which do not allow the continuity of the project.
- Unilateral Closure: Any of the parties may request unilateral closure due to non-compliance with any of the clauses of the adhesion agreement and its enabling documents, as well as the bases of the R&D&I Fund.
CEDIAmay unilaterally decide to close the agreement in the event of:
- Non-compliance in any of the procurement processes.
- If the deadline for execution of the agreement has expired and the project has not been delivered satisfactorily.
- The participating institutions do not comply with their contributions to the projects in accordance with the approved planning.
- In cases where the Project Director does not deliver the quarterly reports and the final report of the Project Development Phase within the defined deadlines, the legal representatives of the institutions that have signed the agreement or contract will be notified of the non-compliance; Once the notification is made, the project director will have a period of 10 days to deliver the final technical execution report. If the task is not fulfilled within the specified period, the agreement will be unilaterally closed.
- There is non-compliance on more than two occasions in the schedule of activities that affect the achievement of project objectives and deliverables. In this case, CEDIA will notify the highest authority of the institution, and will establish a period of ten days to deliver an alternative solution, which must be evaluated by the area responsible for the fund.
- In the event that certain human or physical resources that are essential for the fulfillment of the object of the project are not available during the execution of the project.
- The deliverables are not presented to CEDIA on the dates established in the planning or in the authorized rescheduling.
- Due to any legal conflict that prevents continuing with the execution of the project, especially when regulations, permits or third-party rights have been violated. In this case, all responsibility will be assumed by the transgressing counterparty, excluding CEDIA and holding it harmless from any conflict that may arise in relation to this non-compliance.
- In the event that a CEDIA member HEI that appears as a participant in the proposal does not have a current Advanced Network contract during the execution of the fund.
b. For the closing and liquidation of the adhesion agreement, the participating organizations will sign a liquidation and closure document issued by CEDIA, in which the status of compliance with objectives, the deliverables generated, the execution of the budget, the liquidation of expenses, the results obtained during its execution and an evaluation of efficiency and compliance of the members of the research team. This record will be signed by the parties appearing in the agreement.
CEDIA will apply the following sanctions depending on the fault committed by the project participants:
to. Temporary suspension of financing:
- When there is non-compliance with the activity schedule for more than 60 days.
For this purpose, CEDIA will issue a notification of temporary suspension of financing for up to 60 days and will grant a period of 30 days to deliver a remediation or contingency plan, which will be subject to approval by CEDIA .
If the process is not remedied within the established period, CEDIA may notify the unilateral closure of the agreement.
b. Impediment to apply and award funds in future calls:
- If CEDIA determines the early closing of the adhesion agreement for any of the reasons determined in section 12, literal iii. In this case, the impediment will only be for the Director and Co-Director of the project that has failed to comply with its obligations.
- Project participants who do not justify the expenses incurred will not be able to participate in future calls.
- When the members of a project infringe intellectual property rights, they will not be able to participate in any other CEDIAcall.
- After two repeated breaches in the processes established by CEDIA and previously socialized, the case will be raised to the Academic and Research Commission for the respective relevance analysis on the prohibition of participation of the researcher or researchers involved for a period of up to two years.
- Any act of corruption will be punished with a ban on participation in future CEDIA calls and will be reported to the legal representative of the respective institution.
The records of these sanctions will be kept by the legal area of CEDIA, which will notify the area responsible for the fund about the impossibility of participation of the institution, the team or one of its members.
to. During the execution of the project, it will be taken into account that, in the event that a CEDIA member institution is executing a project within a call, whatever it may be, and renews its advanced network contract for a package lower than the one it had at the time, At the time of the award of the proposal, the budget corresponding to that institution will be reduced in equal proportion, based on the maximum established for the funds in each advanced network package. In this case, CEDIA together with the related permanent Commission, will carry out an economic assessment of the project/proposal in order to determine if its continuity is possible with a budget lower than the initial one. In the event that the non-continuity of the project is recommended, it will be closed early.
b. Any contingency that alters compliance with the schedule must be reported up to 72 hours after being raised. The report will be accompanied by a rescheduling proposal. If the contingency prevents the execution of the project, it will be closed early.
It is possible that within each call CEDIA has access to confidential information of the applicant or related third parties. Confidential information will be understood to be only that which is identified by the applicant as confidential or privileged. As such, CEDIA undertakes to apply all reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure, access or use of the applicant's Confidential Information.
Applicants acquire the same commitment regarding any type of information belonging to CEDIA to which they have access.
In this framework, both the applicant, as well as CEDIA, acquire the obligation to enforce these commitments to their employees and related third parties. Likewise, they undertake not to use the information in a manner other than that authorized or for their own benefit or that of third parties without express written authorization.
The exchange of information that arises from the relationship that may exist on the occasion of this call will not be interpreted as a transfer or granting of any property right over the Confidential Information that belongs to the disclosing Party, neither before, during, nor after the validity of the existing relationship. There is also no obligation to purchase or pay for access to said information or for its authorized use within the framework of this call.
Specific issues of confidentiality of information will be established in the specific agreement or contract of each fund.
The intellectual property rights that may arise due to, and as a result of, any activity linked to the application or execution of the project due to its participation in this call will correspond to its creators or to whoever can demonstrate ownership of those rights. The same treatment will be given to the property rights over databases that are generated for the fulfillment of this call, with which these will be owned by whoever provides and manages them or, where appropriate, they will be managed in accordance with the agreements those that the parties have reached in accordance with their interests and in accordance with the regulations in force and applicable to the matter.
All intellectual creations generated in relation to this call will be covered by current regulations on intellectual property and under no circumstances will the creations and their rights referred to in the previous paragraph be understood as assigned or transferred to CEDIA unless there is express and written document about it.
For their part, applicants must guarantee that any creation does not infringe third party rights or pay attention to current regulations. At the time of applying, participants declare and guarantee that the rights of third parties are not being infringed or harmed, with which they undertake to hold CEDIA harmless from any claim that may arise from their participation, as well as to cover all expenses generated for the judicial or extrajudicial defense of CEDIA with the professionals that CEDIA chooses for this purpose.
Participating institutions must authorize the use of their institutional logo to CEDIA, which will be used to publicize their participation or its results, without requiring any payment or benefit.
In the event that it is required to use any distinctive sign of CEDIAownership, the applicant must process express written authorization for that purpose.
Regarding the dissemination of the launch, monitoring and closing of the applications, the parties must voluntarily authorize CEDIA to broadcast live, photograph, record, edit and publish through any means, their participation in the project, as well as the results generated therein, making use of your image for its institutional purposes (except information to be kept under discretion as a pure object of research), as long as no confidentiality policy of the parties is violated.
This authorization will be global, non-onerous, perpetual and respectful of the moral rights of the creators of the works generated in the execution of the project.
The owner of the personal data, as a participant, is informed that the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia (CEDIA) with address at Gonzalo Cordero 2-122 and J. Fajardo Cuenca-Ecuador and email address of contact protecciondedatos@cedia.org.ec is the entity responsible for the processing of personal data that is processed as a consequence and purpose of the management of the fund.
CEDIA takes the protection of your privacy and your personal data very seriously. Therefore, your personal information is kept securely and treated with the utmost care.
In accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations regarding the protection of personal data, each participant, with the acceptance of these Legal Bases, consents that the personal data provided for participation in this fund be processed by CEDIA, to process the participation and to make contact in case you win.
The legal basis of the treatment is the consent that is requested and the participant freely grants. The participant may revoke consent at any time.
Personal data will not be communicated to third parties unrelated to the service/benefit we provide and third parties other than those indicated in the following paragraph, except when there is a legal obligation to do so and will be kept by CEDIA for the years necessary to comply with the related legal obligations. with the fund, or until its elimination is requested and there are no conflicting conditions determined in the binding regulations.
Personal data will only be communicated to the EasyChair web platform, for the purpose of evaluating and selecting the winning proposal and substitutes. Consequently, the management in relation to the processing of personal data carried out on the platform is subject to the terms and conditions of the EasyChair website. CEDIA is exempt from liability for any use that may be made by a third party not authorized by CEDIA.
Likewise, the data of the fund winner, as well as their image, may be published on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, magazines and CEDIAwebsites, as a consequence of the promotion of the contest in CEDIA's own media. For this, your consent is requested in these bases.
Participants guarantee that the personal data provided are true and the communication of personal data is treated with an appropriate legal basis and are responsible for communicating to CEDIAany modification thereof. CEDIA reserves the right to exclude from this call any participant who has provided false information or who does not comply with the rest of the fund's requirements. It is recommended to take maximum diligence in matters of Personal Data Protection through the use of security tools, and CEDIA cannot be held responsible for illegal theft, modification or loss of data.
By virtue of the institutional tools used by CEDIA, whose servers are hosted outside the territory of Ecuador (without limitation, the US, Europe, etc.), personal data would be subject to international transfers. However, this international data transfer has all the necessary security guarantees.
The owner may exercise his/her rights of access, rectification and updating, deletion, opposition or, when legally appropriate, portability, by sending CEDIA a request to the aforementioned address.
more cedia we make our privacy policy available to you at the following link: https://cedia.edu.ec/politica-de-privacidad/