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Frequent questions

The total amount financed by the fund is up to US$6,000.00 per application.

The fund will only be used to cover values ​​of professional services and fees for registrations and applications for Intellectual Property (IP) . The professional services for the preparation and presentation of the registry will be contracted from among CEDIA and chosen by CEDIA according to the nature of each application.

In the case of inventions, remember that the highest costs are linked to the technical legal costs for the (efficient) construction of the document for the patent application (so that it is attractive to the immaterial market). This value will be financed by the fund.

Yes, the fund can finance this process up to a value of US$ 6,000.00. Counterpart of the applicants is admitted in the event that the value to achieve the desired requests is greater than indicated.

No, in no case is the value transferred to the applicants, the resources will be managed by CEDIA at all times and what will be delivered to the applicants is the proof of registration or the application according to the type of category of intellectual property for which amount has been awarded.

This assignment of rights is from the inventors/creators to the organization for which it was generated (university or company, as the case may be). This document is important for the management of the application or registration of intellectual property rights.

CEDIA does not request any benefit in relation to the intellectual rights of the application and clarifies that between the holders they can reach private agreements on economic issues related to the creation, being able to agree on royalties

CEDIA 's goal is to improve practices for the protection of research results with transfer potential and therefore generates incentives for its members for this purpose.

In addition, it makes available experts with international experience to advise and generate the documents (together with its researchers and university intellectual property managers), which allows the strengthening of the national capacities of our members. On the other hand, the Universities gain funds and capacities for the management of intellectual property and the transfer of knowledge, and with this they can increase their indicators in these areas.

For their part, researchers will have the opportunity to protect their research results and learn in the process together with a high-level legal technical team.
It is important to mention that the inventors will retain the rights that by law correspond to them.

We indicate that the application to the Fund is not only for patents, you can also apply for:

  • a) Copyright , includes literary, artistic or scientific works, as well as software or databases and whenever their registration is required to be delivered to third parties for their distribution to society with or without commercial purposes;
  • b) Inventions , including utility models and patents) with the clear determination of a problem and technical solution;
  • c) Industrial designs ;
  • d) Industrial Secrets ;
  • e) Distinctive signs to protect a transferable product or development when its protection is necessary to accompany the distribution of a generated product or development, which may or may not be protected by other categories of intellectual property; and,
  • f) Plant Varieties .

In addition, you can request protection for more than one category in the same application. In this regard, the experts will review the relevance.

Applications are evaluated through a rubric by 3 specialists with experience in protection and management of intellectual property and technology transfer.
carolina.sacoto@cedia.org.ec cedia _
_ cedia _