Innova CEDIA Competitions

It is a contest that has been held since 2016 to support and encourage member institutions in the design and production of Massive Open and Online Courses (MOOC) and Digital Educational Material (MED) under the Learning Objects (OA) paradigm. Each year the theme alternates.

How does it work?

The call is opened every year so that teachers and researchers from CEDIAmember institutions present their proposals according to the indicated theme and focused on any area of ​​knowledge.

Institutions can participate following the guidelines stipulated by CEDIA within the call.


  1. Promotes the development and use of tools in virtual education.
  2. The area of ​​knowledge of their proposals will be free and innovative.
  3. There is no limit to the number of proposals submitted to the contest.

How to apply?

For more information about this benefit, you can write to cedia at