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Intellectual Property Week

It is an annual event that focuses on issues of intellectual property, development and innovation. This event is co-organized by CEDIA together with other institutions of the national ecosystem, in which professionals, students, teachers, members of the academy and the general public participate.

How does it work?

Every year CEDIA is part of the theme proposed by the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), at the same time, an email is sent to the member HEIs that are interested in hosting it. This event has a call called the National Fair of Academic Inventions, which consists of a proposal by CEDIA to make visible and recognize the work of academic inventors in the country, who have reached scientific proposals that meet protection standards through patents and models. useful.


  1. Approach with other actors in the ecosystem.
  2. Exchange of knowledge between professionals.
  3. Learning about intellectual property and innovation issues.
  4. Updating of knowledge on the new themes of the ecosystem.

How to apply?

the cedia you can contact cati@cedia.org.ec