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TICEC Congress

It is an annual conference on information and communication that focuses on issues of technology, innovation and development. This congress is co-organized by CEDIA together with Higher Education Institutions nationwide, where professionals, students and the general public participate.

The TICEC congress is one of the best positioned technology congresses nationwide.

How does it work?

Our academic commission designates a theme each year, based on that, national and international exhibitors are sought.

At the same time, an email is sent to member HEIs that are interested in hosting the congress. Afterwards, the call is made where the researchers present their academic works. Once the academic part is consolidated, the Marketing Area is in charge of the dissemination and socialization of the congress to the general public.


  1. Exchange of knowledge between professionals.
  2. Monitoring of trends in technology and innovation in Ecuador.
  3. Socialization about what is being done around technology.

How to apply?

To participate and learn more about the congress, you can enter Ticec. cedia _