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Training School of Continuing Education (EFC)

They are virtual courses aimed at teachers and researchers in around 20 subject areas. The objective is to foster knowledge innovation and skill development of an institution's staff so that they can socialize learning among their members.

How does it work?

All member institutions have a delegate who accesses a coupon with an amount of around $5000, this amount is distributed to their fellow teachers and researchers so that they can access the courses of interest on the School of Continuing Training (EFC) ) . If the course is held in person, we take care of all the logistics of the event.


  1. Face-to-face, blended and virtual courses with access to the platform 24/7.
  2. Affordable prices compared to other courses on updating knowledge.
  3. Certificates of approval with Blockchain security, this technology allows online validation of the certificates obtained in the courses through a QR code that confirms the certification.

How to apply?

For more information on the benefit you can visit the following link cedia can contact through formacioncontinua@cedia.org.ec