CEDIAcall: TICEC 2022 congress venue

The most important ICT congress seeks a venue for 2022

During the last few years, the advancement of Information Technology has reached a point where it is supporting virtually all areas of human activity. This reality is not alien to Ecuador, which is why researchers and technology managers have benefited from the use of these technologies. However, the efforts invested to obtain the benefit achieved, in many cases, have doubled due to the lack of spaces to share experiences in the use and innovative adaptation of these technologies, either in the field of research or technological management.

For the tenth consecutive year, the TICEC Information and Communication Technologies Congress seeks to be an integration instance, where spaces are generated for researchers, technology managers and other related actors such as professionals, students, entrepreneurs and technology users; integrate, share good practices, share lessons learned and establish collaborative initiatives seeking synergies through the formation of strategic work groups.

With this background, I would like to let you know that the "Call for Headquarters" for TICEC 2022 .
If your represented Institution wishes to host this event of great impact at a national and international level, we invite you to review the requirements and commitments through the following download document: • TICEC headquarters guidelines
• TICEC 2022 application form

cedia your questions through info@cedia.org.ec
