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Call For Papers TICEC Congress 2023

ICT researchers and professionals must submit their contributions by June 25.


CEDIA and the University of Cuenca, organizers of the 11th edition of the Ecuadorian Congress of Information and Communication Technologies - TICEC 2023, invite all ICT researchers and professionals to send their contributions to the Scientific Track until June 25.

The topics of this edition focus on data science, artificial intelligence, software development, ICT and its application to the real world.

Be part of this world-class space that brings together professionals from various fields to explore the fundamental functions, interactions and practical implications of ICT.

Prepare your contributions for this track and schedule your attendance at TICEC 2023 in your agenda from October 18 to 20, 2023 at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

The received articles will follow a rigorous review process (double-blind) to be accepted and published in our Springer proceedings and their subsequent indexing in Scopus and other databases .

Find all the information you need at: https://ticec2023. cedia .edu .ec/
