Call for financing in research, development and innovation projects for institutes

Submit your project until October 8

The Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and the CEDIA Academy has the mission of fostering, promoting and coordinating the development of scientific research, academia, innovation, technology transfer, entrepreneurship, internationalization and offering services related to these areas and others. related parties, its members and those authorized by the Assembly.

CEDIA, in January 2022, has called for the participation of the different knowledge, research or transfer funds, to all its member institutions, with the aim of promoting articulation between the different actors in the innovation ecosystem. Within these funds is the R&D&i Fund, formerly CEPRA, the main financing resource for university research projects.

In order to address and strengthen investigative skills in teachers of technical and technological institutes, as well as to promote the articulation of these towards a process of knowledge transfer in the productive sector, the creation of a new specific fund has been proposed. for Institutes.

The “R&D&i Institutes FUND” aims to provide financing for mentoring processes and execution of applied research, technological development and innovation projects, proposed by CEDIAmember institutions, specifically institutes, and that contribute to the development of the country.

The call will be opened only for member institutes of the CEDIAnetwork, from August 8, 2022 to October 8, 2022. Participation in any area of ​​knowledge will be allowed, in accordance with the policies established in the NEXT instructions. by CEDIA.

Due to this, we have considered making an extensive invitation so that you can participate in the WEBINAR for the Launch of the Institutes R&D&I Fund:

• Day: August 08, 2022
• Time: 10:00 am
Virtual modality
Live transmission

We are waiting for you at the event where more details will be provided on the financing budget, bases and requirements of the call; as well as a presentation by an expert in research processes and Transfer in Institutes.
