Advance – 2022

Land Administration, Multipurpose Cadastre and the ISO LADM 19152 model

Status: Completed General Objective: Train Ecuadorian academia in the concept of land administration so that lines of applied research on cadastral issues are generated using standards recognized by international organizations such as UN-Habitat, FAO, ISO, FIG, among others. Specific Objectives: Participants: UCACUE, ESPE Project Director: Boris Orellana Researchers: Rodolfo Salazar Awarded Budget: $10,000

Land Administration, Multipurpose Cadastre and the ISO LADM 19152 model Read more »

Bio/chemical processes for valorization of biomass and waste within the framework of the bioeconomy.

Status: Completed General Objective: Provide an introduction to biochemical and chemical processes applied to the bioeconomy, starting from the concept of valorization to continue with the foundations of biochemical and chemical processes, up to the most relevant advanced ones applied to the bioeconomy for valorization of waste and materials premiums to valuable products (chemical compounds, materials, energy, etc.) Participants: UTM,

Bio/chemical processes for valorization of biomass and waste within the framework of the bioeconomy. Read more "