Analysis and Development of a Numerical Model HadCM3 DE Variation of Atmospheric Indicators in Continental Ecuador by Remote Sensing Means in the Infrared Band

General Objective: Develop a HadCM3 numerical model that reproduces the climate model through satellite images in the Infrared spectrum on specific sectors in Continental Ecuador of high environmental or productive importance. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: ESPE, ESPOL, UDLA. Participants: Awarded budget: $29,440 Project status: Process – Signature of Agreement.

Analysis and Development of a Numerical Model HadCM3 DE Variation of Atmospheric Indicators in Continental Ecuador by means of Remote Sensing in the Infrared Band Read More »

Virtual City and Territory Laboratory

General Objective: Provide researchers, teachers, students and professionals from both the public and private sectors with tools that allow them to transform data into relevant information, to observe, experiment, analyze and understand the behavior of the territorial and urban system and its interrelation of the variables that these involve. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UCUENCA, PUCESI, UTPL Participants: Awarded Budget: $34,883.2 State

Virtual City and Territory Laboratory Read More »

Creation of an Inter-University Network for the Study and Design of Drugs and Biopharmaceuticals Assisted by Computers: Phase 1. Virtual Education in Chemical, Mathematical and Computer Fundamentals

General Objective: The general objective of this project is to create a Network of people trained in chemical, mathematical and computer science fundamentals to create research proposals for the study and design of drugs and biopharmaceuticals. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: USFQ, UCUENCA, ESPOCH Participants: Awarded budget: $40,000 Project status: Process – Signature of Agreement.

Creation of an Inter-University Network for the Study and Design of Drugs and Biopharmaceuticals Assisted by Computers: Phase 1. Virtual Education in Chemical, Mathematical and Informatics Fundamentals Read More »

Development of a Semantic Application that Integrates Physical-Chemical, Technological and Engineering Properties of Natural Clays from Ecuador with Potential Technological Use

General Objective: Create a semantic web application to archive and link data from different formats and sources in a digital library and repository, based on the determination of physical and chemical characteristics of clays from various sites in the southern region of Ecuador. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTPL, EPN, ESPOCH Participants: Awarded budget: $30,000 Project status:

Development of a Semantic Application that Integrates Physical-Chemical, Technological and Engineering Properties of Natural Clays from Ecuador with Potential Technological Use Read More »

Design and Installation of a Remote Monitoring System for the Evaluation and Analysis of the Behavior of Photovoltaic Installations in Ecuador

General Objective: The main objective of the research, technological development and technological innovation proposal called “Design and Installation of a Remote Monitoring System for the Evaluation and Analysis of the Behavior of Photovoltaic Installations in Ecuador” is the implementation of a remote monitoring with low economic cost, reduced energy consumption and

Design and Installation of a Remote Monitoring System for the Evaluation and Analysis of the Behavior of Photovoltaic Installations in Ecuador Read More »

Generation of a Repository for the Storage and Massive Modeling of Biotic Interaction Networks for Conservation Purposes in Ecuadorian Ecosystems

General Objective: Generate a repository of standardized observations of various biological variables with relevance for the modeling of biotic interaction networks in priority ecosystems in Ecuador. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UTPL. ESPOCH, PUCE-SI Participants: Awarded budget: $25,000 Project status: Process – Signature of Agreement.

Generation of a Repository for the Storage and Massive Modeling of Biotic Interaction Networks for Conservation Purposes in Ecuadorian Ecosystems Read More »

Real-Time Middleware Based on the Publish/Subscribe Model

General Objective: The objective of this project is to develop middleware for distributed systems based on events (or publication/subscription) that serves as a basis for research into advanced techniques. Using DDS/RTPS ideas as a technological base, an open and flexible implementation will be developed that allows exploring the practical application of techniques based on reflection, AOP, dynamic generation

Real-Time Middleware Based on the Publish/Subscribe Model (Real-Time Middleware Based on the Publish/Subscribe Model) Read More »

Remote Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems Through the CEDIA Network

General Objective: Design, implement and evaluate a distributed cyber-physical system that allows remote monitoring in real time of a wide geographical area, using the sensors available in commercial mobile devices and the infrastructure of the CEDIANetwork. Specific Objectives: Participating Institutions: UDLA, ESPE, UNACH Participants: Status of the project: Process – Signature of Agreement.

Tele-Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems through the CEDIA Read more »

Tele-Radiology, Using Medical Image Retrieval Methods Based on Visual and Semantic Content Under the GRID Architecture

General Objective: Design, implement and validate a system to support radiological interpretation and diagnosis under the tele-radiology modality on a GRID architecture. The greatest contribution to the system would be to present a tool that allows the recovery of medical images based on both their visual and semantic content using CBIR techniques.

Tele-Radiology, Using Medical Image Retrieval Methods Based on Visual and Semantic Content Under the GRID Architecture Read More »