IDi Universities Fund

Air pollution

Executive Summary:Problem: Air pollution has become one of the main risks to human health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 7 million people per year die from diseases related to air pollution. The air has the concentration of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide […]

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Astroparticles phase 2

Executive Summary: This proposal is the continuation of the project “Creation of the Ecuadorian Research Network on Astroparticles, Cosmic Rays and Space Climate”, which fundamentally seeks the extension of the network towards the southern Ecuadorian region, with the inclusion of University of Cuenca and the University of Azuay, as members of the

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NGS Analysis of Pathogens

Executive Summary: In Ecuador, due to both its megadiversity and the recent increase and modernization of scientific research, as well as information processing techniques, in recent years biological data of various kinds (biomedical, biotechnological, ecological, agronomic, etc.). This large amount, heterogeneity and fragmentation of the data produced

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bis therapeutic applications

Executive Summary: One of the strongest lines of research developed in our laboratory focuses on the search for new molecules that present biological activity. Among the different compounds that we are studying are bispyrazol-5-ones, which have shown activity against Leishmania mexicana promastigotes and good antioxidant activity in vitro.

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Molecular Analysis

Executive Summary: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a Gram-negative bacteria that causes peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. In Ecuador, gastric cancer is among the five most commonly diagnosed types of cancer and is one of the leading causes of death from cancer. The prevalence of H. pylori infection varies between 20 and

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new foods

Executive Summary: Pseudocereals (seeds that do not belong to the cereal family, but their composition is similar, which is why they are considered pseudocereals), among which quinoa, chia, amaranth or flaxseed stand out, are basic foods that have been consumed in the diet of many South American countries for centuries,

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allergic diseases

Executive Summary: Allergic diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis and food allergy are more common among people with atopy. Atopy or sensitization (individual or family tendency to become sensitized and produce specific Immunoglobulin E against common allergens) tends to begin mainly at early ages such as childhood and currently affects the

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Aerial Manipulator Robot

Executive Summary: To date, it is practically impossible for a robot to be 100% autonomous for applications in unstructured environments. This is due to the large number of variables that are generated in dynamic, unknown and time-varying environments, which is why which is eminent the use of tele-operated robots. The tele-operation of

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Type II Diabetes Treatment

Executive Summary: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a serious health problem in Ecuador and in the world, due to its high prevalence, the serious tissue damage it causes over time and its high socio-economic impact. Maintaining glucose within a physiological range in patients is vital to limit tissue damage

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[in]secure laboratory

Executive Summary: The [in]secure laboratory aims to serve as a platform in which students, teachers and researchers have access to a network with vulnerable equipment (PCs, servers, network equipment or others) in order to develop skills related to information security from both an offensive and defensive point of view, allowing them

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