IDi Universities Fund

Robust Characterization

Executive Summary: In the current scenario of global change, some of its effects are much less known than others. Although we all accept that, as a result of such a change, the temperature will increase and the sea level will rise, for few it is unthinkable that our ecosystems (for example, the cloud forest or the Andean paramo) will also […]

Robust Characterization Read More »

Food safety

Executive Summary: Each year, more than 500 million illnesses and almost half a million deaths are attributed to the consumption of contaminated food globally (Havelaar et al. 2015), but it is estimated that a large number of cases remain unreported. Furthermore, foodborne illnesses (FADs) are known to cause annual losses

Food Safety Read More »

Semantic applications and data mining

Executive Summary: In recent years, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Ecuador have been subject to profound changes through demanding evaluation processes from an academic, administrative and structural point of view. Regarding the academic evaluation, it is worth highlighting the exhaustive analysis carried out on the careers belonging to each

Semantic applications and data mining Read More »

Plant Fibers as Immunostimulants in Shrimp Aquaculture to Prevent Vibriosis

Executive Summary: Challenge that needs to be addressed: Bacterial diseases have emerged as a serious problem and represent the most important challenge facing the shrimp industry. Although various options have been developed to replace antimicrobials, such as vaccines, plant extracts, among others, these do not meet all safety, health and safety requirements.

Plant Fibers as Immunostimulants in Shrimp Aquaculture to Prevent Vibriosis Read More »

Evaluation of microplastic contamination in the Ecuadorian Pacific through analytical chemistry and identification (eDNA) of the most vulnerable marine species, and their harmful effects of bioaccumulation on human health

Executive Summary: Plastic pollution is omnipresent and has become an eminent threat to all natural environments and alarmingly the Oceans. Every day new publications appear reporting this problem worldwide, which not only represents a threat to marine life and the ecosystem (Cressey, 2016); but

Evaluation of microplastic contamination in the Ecuadorian Pacific through analytical chemistry and identification (eDNA) of the most vulnerable marine species, and their harmful effects of bioaccumulation on human health Read More »

"In Silico" Discovery of New Tyrosinase Enzyme Inhibiting Depigmenting Agents with Therapeutic and Industrial Applications

Executive Summary: Melanogenesis disorders, hyper-pigmentation, age spots, as well as some forms of skin cancer are associated with the overproduction of melanin in the basal layers of the skin. The production of melanin is catalyzed in the first steps of the biochemical pathway by the enzyme tyrosinase (EC.,

Discovery “in silico” of New Depigmenting Agents Inhibitors of the Tyrosinase Enzyme with Therapeutic and Industrial Applications Read More »

Spatial Representation of the climatic teleconnections in the precipitation of Ecuador

Executive Summary: Climate teleconnections show remote, large-scale relationships between distant points on Earth. They are known to produce anomalies and variability in the precipitation of a region. Their study is related to the ability to anticipate flood and drought events, which have impacts on agricultural activities and risk management.

Spatial Representation of the climatic teleconnections in the precipitation of Ecuador Read More »

Automatic processing techniques applied to the analysis and prediction of drug use

Executive Summary: Background and justification. The consumption of alcohol and other drugs continues to constitute one of the main public health problems due to its consequences for the consumer and their environment, including health problems, domestic violence and loss of productivity in Ecuador. However, prevention programs and/or public action policies

Automatic processing techniques applied to the analysis and prediction of drug use Read More »

Mechanical Spectroscopy: Transport and interaction radiation matter

Executive Summary: The discovery of carbon nanotubes, graphene and other allotropes of carbon have given rise to a new era of condensed matter physics of real life low dimensional systems that were once thought to be only in the imagination. Many old theoretical treatments and ideas on these exotic materials have come to life in experiments[1-5]

Mechanical Spectroscopy: Transport and interaction radiation matter Read More »

Assessment of biological interactions and Ecosystem Services of insectivorous bats through optical and acoustic technologies

Executive Summary: The conservation of Ecuador's biological diversity is fundamental for national sustainable development but can only be guaranteed to the extent that the breadth and multiplicity of interrelationships between species and the environment are known, as well as the impact that human activities cause to the environment and habitats. He

Assessment of biological interactions and Ecosystem Services of insectivorous bats through optical and acoustic technologies Read More »