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CEDIA acquires a webinar license for 3,000 attendees

Increased capacity for virtual events for our members

CEDIA informs all its member institutions that the negotiation process with the ZOOM videoconference platform has been completed, in which we have acquired a webinar license with a capacity of 3,000 attendees, which is available to our members.

Said license is added to the existing ones with a capacity of 500 and 1000 users. We remind you that CEDIA webinar licenses can be used FREE of charge for academic events. If our licenses are required, the following steps must be followed:

Send a use request email to: noc@cedia.org.ec cedia
email must include: Event name, date, duration
Access emails for panelists
Zoom pro account email for host

cedia to CEDIA cedia webinar rooms , please contact noc@cedia.org.ec or info@cedia.org.ec
