The event was attended by expert Ulises Cortés, scientific coordinator of the High Performance AI group in Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

The ethical integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education was the central axis of the workshop responsible in the academy: ethics, data and university transformation . This space, aimed at professionals from member universities, took place on January 21 at the CEDIA in Quito.
The event was attended by Ulises Cortés, professor and researcher at the University Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and scientific coordinator of the High Performance AI group in Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Recognized for his work in ethical and sustainable, Cortés will share his experience in the development of automation and academic management models.
The workshop was attended by 13 professionals from several universities members of CEDIA. During the meeting, issues such as the ethical use of AI in teaching, the optimization of administrative processes and the impact of intelligent agents on university transformation were addressed.
In addition, innovative experiences were socialized around projects such as Elsa GML and Elsa ITS, initiatives that explore the potential of AI in education and institutional management.