More than 33 specialized comprehensive clinics have been generated for the benefit of patients.

ECHO Project, a tele-education and medical tele-tutoring model that seeks to demonopolize knowledge and amplify the capacity to provide the best care practice for people in vulnerable situations around the world. Transferring knowledge, instead of patients.
Through telematic sessions, primary care professionals and medical specialists are linked to deal with cases of real patients who present a certain degree of complexity, the questions of the primary professionals are resolved by the specialists or the other assistants who have gone through similar situations. In this way, a virtuous circle of knowledge is generated.
CEDIA has been the hub of the project in Ecuador since 2016. As of 2020 we have signed important agreements for the growth and implementation of this methodology so that a real change can be generated in health care in our country.
In association with FUPEC we have created the Comprehensive Cancer Clinic, in which oncologists, psychologists and other specialists participate to treat patients suffering from this condition. Additionally, we have diabetes, gynecology, and hypertension clinics and in 2021, together with specialists: Dr. Javier Ruiz and Dra. Verónica Vasquez, we have deployed the Cardiology Clinic.
At the moment we have developed 33 sessions on the different topics between case presentations and knowledge updates. Sessions are held biweekly.
• If you want to join the project, fill out the participation form at this link .
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