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CEDIA participated in the webinar of the Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean - FRIDA

In the webinar, initiatives to achieve a global, open, stable and secure Internet were shared.

CEDIA participated in the webinar Presentation and exchange on results and solutions at the regional level , organized by the Registry of Internet Addresses for Latin America and the Caribbean - LACNIC.

The webinar was part of the FRIDA program, which supports projects, initiatives and solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean that contribute to the consolidation of an open, stable and secure global Internet.

The Corporation participated through its collaborators Jorge Merchán and Francisco Reinoso, specialists in Cybersecurity at the CSIRT. This webinar allowed to give a context of the projects and actions that CEDIA develops to gestate and develop projects to overcome challenges on Internet Stability and Security; Connectivity and Internet Access for a quality service, as well as Open and Free Internet.  
