CEDIA presented the book Educational Innovation: Pedagogical Proposal Taptana Cañari and the value of solidarity

The book is the result of the IDE Universities call and had the support of the CEDIApublishing house.

Educational Innovation Book

In a significant step towards the transformation of the educational model in Ecuador, the book Educational Innovation was presented : Pedagogical Proposal Taptana Cañari and the value of solidarity , a work that integrates technology, ancestral methodologies and human values ​​to strengthen teaching and learning.

The book is the result of the R&D I-XVII-2022-037 research project, financed through the IDE CALL UNIVERSITIES DE CEDIA. The National University of Education (UNAE), the Amazon Regional University (Ikiam) and the Central University of Ecuador participated in this collaborative effort.

The work proposes and validates a pedagogical strategy based on the Cañari taptana, an ancestral calculation tool used by the indigenous peoples of the Andean region. Its application in contemporary education allows not only to improve mathematical learning, but also to promote critical thinking and reflection in students.

The value of solidarity, another of the pillars of this pedagogical proposal, is incorporated as a transverse axis in academic formation, with the aim of strengthening coexistence and social commitment in the classroom. From this perspective, the book is not only addressed to the educational community, but also to public policy formulators interested in implementing innovative methodologies in different contexts of the country.

Educational innovation: Pedagogical proposal Taptana Cañari and the value of solidarity , represents an effort to rethink education based on contemporary needs and challenges, combining the cultural legacy with the technological tools of the present. Its launch marks a milestone in Ecuadorian educational research and feels the foundations for future innovation initiatives in teaching.
