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CEDIA promotes the University-Company link through the One to One Fund program between the University of Cuenca and the Electro Generating Company of Austro Elecaustro

The One to One Fund aims to contribute to innovation in Ecuador

The One to One Fund aims to contribute to innovation in Ecuador, generating viable solutions to real problems of the company, through the research and development capacity of universities.

For every dollar that a company is willing to invest, CEDIA will contribute another dollar for the development of suitable products.

Under this premise and the link between the university - company, researchers from the University of Cuenca will carry out the necessary studies to carry out the development of the objective product of Elecaustro called:

“Mathematical model for the hydro-energetic optimization of the Machángara hydroelectric complex, including environmental criteria and adaptation to the impacts of climate change”

To do this, as a first instance, in mid-October, a tour of the facilities of the Machángara Hydroelectric Complex was carried out, where we visited the Saymirín Hydroelectric Power Plant, the El Labrado dam, the Tuñi Reservoir and different nearby streams. They are part of the analysis of the study to be developed.

We wish the UC research team and the staff of the Elecaustro company success.

Learn more about the 1 to 1 Fund through the following link .
