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CEDIA provides HPC capabilities to CUDI in Mexico

This allows researchers to enter the world of artificial intelligence using one of its supercomputers located in Ecuador.

CEDIA makes available to researchers and academics from CUDI member institutions its DGX A100 NVIDIA supercomputer with 5,000 TeraFlops of capacity , based on GPUs.

Depending on the demand experienced in the next 3 months, CEDIA will present an analysis and a proforma of the service to ensure its sustainability.

The CUDI academic community: researchers, professors and students will be able to use these capabilities.

If you are from Mexico, you can make use of this benefit by sending an email to cudi@cudi.edu.mx , where you must indicate:

• Institution(s) participating applicant(s):
• Name of the project:
• Objective:
• Benefits for the institution:
• Benefits for the community:
• Name of the principal investigator
• Email:
• Name of other participating academics:
• Email(s):

Remember that if you are from Ecuador and your institution is a member of CEDIA cedia CEDIA can also use this service by writing to us at noc@cedia.org.ec with your contact information and the institution to which you belong.
