Rural areas of Chimborazo will benefit from this project

We are pleased to inform you that we are in the final phase of the projects of the first call for the Fund 1st 1st edition 2020 whose main objective is the solution from the university to problems that arise in the company, generating links between them, call which consists of for every dollar that CEDIA contributes, the sector contributes the same amount of money to solve said problem.
On November 18, 2021, the project between Espoch - Riofiber in the city of Riobamba was closed, an initiative that aims to provide high-speed internet service to rural areas with difficult access in the Province of Chimborazo, making it possible for the areas to interconnect and generate their own development using ICTs.
Access to new technologies in many of these areas is restricted due to the distance that increases the cost of the service, which is why the need arises to propose a connectivity solution that allows technological access through the Internet to all these locations.
The project has an approximate financing cost of $40,000. We are pleased that this project closure has been successfully generated.
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