Closure of COMINN recycling

Grassroots recyclers take a big step towards economic sustainability.


The COMINN Recycling, an initiative of CEDIA, has been the space where recyclers, experts and organizations have worked collaboratively to design a fair and efficient business model. This model, called COAMA (Cooperativa Amigas del Reciclaje), will allow recyclers to organize and market recovered materials more effectively, thus obtaining adequate remuneration for their work.

This model, called COAMA (Cooperativa Amigas del Reciclaje), is the result of a joint effort by the recyclers themselves, who through COMINN have worked tirelessly in the search for sustainable solutions. The implementation of this business model will be carried out by COAMA, the cooperative that emerged from this collaborative process.

The COMINN Recycling has been a fundamental space to articulate the efforts of various organizations and actors involved in the recycling sector, thus allowing the design of a business model that adapts to the needs and realities of the recyclers.

With the implementation of COAMA, it is expected that grassroots recyclers will be able to improve their living conditions, access better tools and equipment, and strengthen their position in the market.
