The development of the ECHO HUB CEDIA 2022 project begins
The project seeks to cover a wide range of medical specialties and pathologies After a successful closure in 2021 with more than 70 sessions held, participants from 22 provinces and around 60 average attendees

We provide support to initiatives for university entrepreneurship
The National University of Loja received feedback and advice on innovation issues Exercising its coordinating role, the ITT Department of CEDIA collaborated, on Tuesday, February 22 of this year, with the Universidad

Launch of the VCTIC Technology Surveillance and Competitive Intelligence service
Projects that made up the CEPRA XVI call will benefit As part of the "Fill the gap services" aimed at developing skills and supporting an effective transfer of knowledge, the launch of the

Call Connect Funds
Find out how to apply for CONNECT 2022 NEXT by CEDIAfunds, in its path of evolution, CEDIA 's vocation has been reoriented towards the generation of services that support basic scientific research

Promote a circular economy based on the care of non-renewable resources
Open call for HEIs, Mipymes, GADs, public, private and public sectors in general The German Society for International Cooperation - GIZ, the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries and the Corporation

LACNIC AND REDCLARA, in collaboration with IDB LAB, launch LACNET offering the first enterprise-grade global blockchain network in production
As a result of the alliance between RedCLARA and LACNIC, and in collaboration with IDB Lab within the framework of the LACChain regional program, the first public-permitted blockchain network in the global sphere, in production and

Growth of the CEDIA network with redundant Fiber Optic links
Around 11 institutions will benefit from this activity CEDIA completes the construction of eleven redundant fiber optic links for the headquarters of our members, of which five are operational, including

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