Congratulations researchers – IKIAM teachers

The works selected from Ecuador for the 5th Latin American e-Science Meeting within the framework of TICAL2021 belong to IKIAM researchers.

congratulations TICAC

After the closing of the calls and a month dedicated to evaluating the proposals received, the evaluation and program committees of the TICAL2021 Conference and the 5th Latin American e-Science Meeting announced, this Thursday, July 1, the list of works selected to be presented in the parallel sessions of the events, which will be held virtually and free of charge between August 30 and September 2.

In total, the calls for work, opened in February, received 70 works, of which 23 were chosen for presentation; 17 at the TICAL Conference and six at the e-Science Meeting. Colombia (5) and Mexico (4) were the countries with the most jobs selected. The list also includes works from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador and Spain.

The 10 best works (chosen jointly among the works received by the two calls) will receive support with a maximum of USD$300* (three hundred US dollars) per work and for a single time, to be used in one of the following items:

• An international Congress or Conference of relevance in your specialty, in which networking is promoted.
The event must be virtual (online) and held between October 2021 and August 2022. If the value of the event is greater than the established support, the difference must be covered by the author(s) of the work. • Participation in a specialized virtual (on-line) course.
• Acquisition of technical reference material.
• Certification exam.

The selected works are the following:

TICAL 2021

   Qualification  Country  Authors
 1 On-site postgraduate courses in education during the pandemic: an experience of pedagogical and technological transformation  Colombia  Adriana Inés Ávila Zárate, Lina María Osorio Valdés
 2 Technological solutions to streamline scientific research processes through virtual tutoring environments  Cuba Jorge Mesa Vázquez, Ramón Alarcón Borges, and Rogelio García Tejera.
 3 Development and implementation of a business intelligence system at the Distance State University of Costa Rica  Costa Rica Francisco Duran Montoya and Rolando Rojas Coto
 4 Development of a monitoring and control platform for a bar and ball system using the IoT  Colombia Jorge Eliecer Quintero Escobar
 5 Universities Buy: the result of 10 years of collaborative work with Argentine university institutions  Argentina Guillermo Darío Diorio, Matías Deganis, Pablo Boyko
 6 SIU-Quechua: Identity validation system for remote exams  Argentina Pamela Bezchinsky, Claudio Corlatti, Guillermo Dario Diorio, Marcela Rossi
 7 Assin@UFSC: A Centralized Solution for Digital Document Assignment  Brazil Guilherme Arthur Geronimo, Giovani Pieri, Davi Böger, Luís Cordeiro, Roque Bezerra, Jean Martina, Luciano Fernandes da Rocha, Jean Carlo Faustino
 8 The promotion of open access to documents at the Federal University of Santa Maria  Brazil Marcos Vinicius Bittencourt de Souza
 9 Experiences in the application to the mobile phone aimed at developing the learning process of mathematical products  Cuba Leandro Arturo Capdesuñer Rodríguez, Tania Alina Mena Silva 
 10 Bringing technologies to the classroom, accelerating school achievement  Mexico Maximiliano Morya Catalán Mendoza, Verónica Lizette Robles Dueñas, Felipe de Jesús Orozco Luna
 11 Architecture of the Educational Technology services of the Autonomous University of Yucatan  Mexico Carmen Humberta de Jesus Diaz Novelo, Pedro Antonio Poof Flores
 12 Case study of cloud platforms for the provision of online learning services at the Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica  Costa Rica Francisco Durán, Rolando Rojas Coto
 13 EduVPN: Secure remote access to administrative, academic and research resources  Chili Carlos Pedreros Lizama, Alejandro Lara Molina, and Maria Irene Delgado.
 14 Digital Transformation – Experience Collaborative work between the University Information System and the National University of General Sarmiento  Argentina Analía Verónica Barberio, Pablo Alejandro Martínez, Daniela Leticia Guardado
 15 A model for monitoring training courses  Mexico Idalia Flores de la Mota, Alejandro Felipe Zárate Pérez
 16 Incorporating 3D crystallographic models in virtual classroom teaching  Mexico Ruben Eduardo Guadarrama Garcia, Ana Pilar Marin Guzman
 17 Adaptation of ITIL processes to the ICT Division of the Universidad del Cauca  Colombia Esteban Yamá Martínez, María Valentina González Benavides

5th Latin American Meeting of e-Science

   Qualification Country Authors
 1 EU-LAC ResInfra: Towards a new EU-LAC partnership in Research Infrastructures Spain Inmaculada Figueroa, Sabina Guaylupo, Rafael Mayo García, Kathrin Megerle, Luca Pezzati, Andrés Triana
 2 IkiamLab Link interconnected data laboratory Ecuador Marco Abril Aguilar, Andrea Salgado Revelo, Carlos Pilco Zúñiga.
 3 Amazon science and culture, dissemination of cultural heritage in the time of COVID using Web 2.0 tools Ecuador Maria Solorzano Venegas Solorzano
 4 Rethinking the university from collaborative network art Chili Rolando Cory; Patricio Felmer, Viviana Soto, Eduardo Hamuy, Lilian Pizarro, Andrés Daneris, Vivian Fritz, Héctor Torres, Fabián Leotteau, Cristián Errandonea, Leonardo Cendoyya, Edgardo Cantón
 5 LaRedCCA: Collaborative Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Development with Advanced Computing in Colombia Colombia Carlos J. Barrios Hernandez
 6 Collaborative design of mediatized spaces for telematic creation from the construction of performance scenarios in the network Colombia Mario Valencia

We congratulate the IKIAM researchers for actively participating in this important International Meeting and proudly representing their institution and country.

To register and get more information about TICAL2021 and the 5th Latin American e-Science Meeting, visit:

