Connect 2025 fund call already has dates 

The funds promote the processes of science, technology and innovation of the country.

Connect 2025 funds

CEDIA presents the call for Connect 2025 funds, aimed at strengthening science, technology and innovation processes in the country. These funds seek to promote an ecosystem of collaboration and dissemination of knowledge between researchers nationally and internationally. 

Connect funds are divided into several categories, each with specific objectives and application limit dates: 

  • Avante Fund : guides its resources to the development of training programs linked to the empowerment of research, development and innovation skills (R&D). The proposals will be received from February 3 to April 30, 2025. 
  • Disclosure Fund : destined to disseminate research results in congresses and world fairs of high -level inventions. This fund will be open from February 3 to September 13, 2025 or until the assigned resources are exhausted. 
  • R&D Fund Universities : Finish research projects in all areas of knowledge. The call dates begin on April 1 and end on June 1, 2025. 
  • Fund 1 to 1 : It encourages collaboration between academic institutions and the productive sector. The call opens on March 15 and closes on September 15, 2025. 
  • Fund records : Finish protection processes in intellectual property for creations generated in the IES Members. This fund is open and will receive proposals until February 20, 2025. 

CEDIA website . To obtain advice in the application process, institutions can communicate through the email info@ cedia . 

CEDIA invites the academic and research institutions of the country to actively participate in this call and to take this opportunity to promote their science, technology and innovation projects. 
