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Construction of a coaxial electrospinning equipment with electrostatic deflection for the fabrication of microstructures: Application to supercapacitors

General Objective: Build a two-component coaxial electrospinning equipment with computer-controlled electrostatic deflection that allows the manufacturing of microstructured electrodes for supercapacitors.

Specific objectives:

  • Design and build a coaxial electrospinning equipment. It is assumed that the mixture of two components allows giving the microfibers characteristics at the nanometric level that modify their physical properties and therefore their interaction with the environment.
  • Design and build a system of electrostatic deflector plates that allows the manufacture of microstructured electrodes. It is considered that being able to manufacture coaxial microfiber microstructures with predetermined designs allows addressing novel applications in areas such as energy storage, sensors and flexible electronics.
  • Model the physical process of beam generation and deflection to estimate the transverse electrical potentials necessary for beam positioning. It is considered that the behavior of the beam can be modeled and empirical parameters can be obtained that allow the real behavior of the beam to be calculated and predicted.
  • Build a computer control system for deflection potentials that allows microstructured membranes to be “printed” on the collector. It is estimated that with the control system and the physical modeling of the process, the beam can be positioned with a precision of a few micrometers.
  • Evaluate the effect on energy storage of a supercapacitor with hollow microstructured microfiber electrodes generated from the coaxial electrospinning system. It is presumed that the increase in surface area of ​​the hollow microfibers increases the specific capacitance.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Cristian Patricio Santacruz Terán

  • Luis Fernando Pantoja Suarez
  • Christian Leonardo Vasconez Vega
  • Marco Vinicio Guevara Hail
  • Carlos Alberto Reinoso Jerez

Awarded budget: $37100,00

Project status: In process