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Design and Installation of a Remote Monitoring System for the Evaluation and Analysis of the Behavior of Photovoltaic Installations in Ecuador

General Objective: The main objective of the research, technological development and technological innovation proposal called "Design and Installation of a Remote Monitoring System for the Evaluation and Analysis of the Behavior of Photovoltaic Installations in Ecuador" is the implementation of a system of remote monitoring of low economic cost, reduced energy consumption and memory capacity of the recorded data of the measurements in real time. Likewise, it is intended to develop its own tools for evaluation and analysis of behavior based on the use of its own software.

Specific objectives:

  • Design, size, install and start up a photovoltaic installation, which allows reproducing the technical characteristics of isolated photovoltaic systems, installed under the EuroSolar program, on the Campus of the Technical University of Ambato.
  • Select, install and carry out the commissioning of the wireless sensors, installed in the different components of the photovoltaic installation.
  • Define the technical requirements and the design criteria of the data acquisition system.
  • Select the necessary equipment for the practical implementation of the data acquisition system and the appropriate communication protocol for the transmission of information.
  • Carry out the necessary communication tests between the wireless sensors and the data acquisition equipment to verify the proper functioning of the remote monitoring system.
  • Define the cloud architecture of the monitoring system and the IT tools and technologies to be used.
  • Carry out the tests of acquisition, treatment and analysis of the information of the different components of the photovoltaic installation.
  • Design and develop the basic structure of the web application.
  • Design a system for persistent storage and export of the information acquired in the remote monitoring process.
  • Develop data visualization and presentation applications as well as the creation and export of daily reports.
  • Develop a tool for generating graphic reports and an alert system.

Participating Institutions:



  • PhD. Alberto Rios.
  • PhD. Raul Pena.
  • mst. Victor Manzano.
  • PhD. Andres Rosales.
  • PhD. Gabriel Salazar.
  • Ing. Carlos Calderón.

Awarded budget: $40000

Project status: Process – Signature of Agreement.