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Design and simulation of a wave energy converter (WEC) for the conditions of the Ecuadorian territorial sea, with emphasis on the Galapagos Islands

General Objective: Design and simulate a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) for the specific conditions of the Ecuadorian territorial sea, with emphasis on the Galapagos Islands.

Specific objectives

  • Develop a database of wave conditions in the Ecuadorian territorial sea, with a historical record of at least 30 years, based on the NEREO forecast system, in addition to in-situ measurements and satellites available worldwide. This record will be the basis for determining the energy potential of the waves in Ecuador.
  • Determine the sites with the greatest potential for the generation of wave energy, taking into account both the available resource, as well as other technical-environmental aspects such as the use of space, connection to the grid, accessibility, environmental risks, among others.
  • Conduct an extreme value analysis study to determine the design parameters of the WEC and establish its dimensions.
  • Develop a numerical model of the WEC, including its PTO, using state-of-the-art codes to calculate its dynamic responses to the waves prevalent in the Ecuadorian territorial sea.
  • Analyze different mechanical configurations of the WEC to optimize its dimensions and operating parameters through a structural design and a “tuning” analysis with the prevailing waves, as well as its electrical energy production potential.
  • Develop a laboratory-scale physical model to verify the operating principle of the WEC and design parameters, such as the response amplitude operator (RAO).
  • Model the electrical and energy system of the Galapagos Islands, in the base year, and its expansion to the year 2050, including WEC technology as an option for electricity generation in deep decarbonization scenarios.

Participating Institutions:



Project director Segundo Jesús Portilla Yandún.

  • Wilson Ivan Guachamín Acero
  • Mijail Eduardo Arias Hidalgo
  • Ruben José Paredes Alvarado
  • Ricardo Patricio Alvarez Briceño
  • Rafael Andres Soria Peñafiel

Awarded budget: $13572,22

Project Status: Completed