Design of a scalable solution for the network infrastructure for the provision of multimedia services over IP over theCEDIA network in order to facilitate the interaction of the virtual scientific communities that are part of the consortium

General Objective: Design a scalable network infrastructure that meets the necessary requirements for the provision of multimedia services over IP over the CEDIA .

Specific objectives:

  • Implement a pilot between the three participating universities and establish scalability conditions.
  • Design a numbering system based on internationally recognized standards, as well as the procedure for the incorporation of a new member to the IP multimedia network.
  • Establish a cooperation mechanism between the participating universities for the development of a support platform and a collaborative infrastructure within theCEDIA Network that guarantees the sustainability and continuity of the project.
  • Create and prepare the scalability conditions of the infrastructure created for RedCEDA for its entry into the equivalent integrating system of the Latin American Network CLARA.


  • ESPOL: Ing. Gabriel Astudillo
  • UCE: Eng. Francisco Valverde
  • UCUENCA: Eng. Rodrigo Padilla

Awarded budget: $30600

Project status: Finished