General Objective: Implement a computational software platform structured in four modules for the investigation of various social dynamics in the context of Sociophysics.
Specific objectives
- Develop a computer code in C language to run on computers under Linux that includes: (i) a connectivity module, which builds the network of interactions between agents; (ii) a dynamics module of the states of the agents, which corresponds to a specific model; (iii) a module for calculating statistical quantities to characterize collective behavior, and (iv) a module for time series analysis.
- Formulate a competition model between two mass communication media in a social system defined in a network and investigate their collective behavior and the growth of minorities through the developed computational platform.
- Formulate and investigate a model of valued opinions in an adaptive network and characterize the collective states by using the developed computational platform.
- Investigate a model of conflicts, formation of alliances and polarization in different social networks through the application of the developed computational platform.
Participating Institutions:
UCACUE, YACHAY TECH, PUCE, University of the Andes, Venezuela.
Project manager Orlando Alvarez Llamoza.
- Mario Cosenza
- Pablo Javier Valverde Arias
- Miguel Angel Suarez Ledo
- Kay Andrew Tucci Kellerer
Awarded budget: $19125,00
Project status: In progress.