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The development of the ECHO HUB CEDIA 2022 project begins

The project seeks to cover a wide range of medical specialties and pathologies

After a successful closing in 2021 with more than 70 sessions held, participants from 22 provinces and around 60 average attendees per session; We begin the execution of the project in this 2022 with new partners, both national and international.

Our members begin the development of their teleclinics together with CEDIA , in this case we have the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, who open the theme of Palliative Care together with FUPEC; additionally the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador with the theme of Nursing. Great professionals, specialists and new participants for our intervention in 2022.

Additionally, together with the National Institute for Public Health Research and the Ministry of Public Health, we will work together to develop the Epidemiology Clinic, an initiative that seeks to reduce the impact of vector-borne diseases nationwide.

After the success achieved with FUPEC in the first edition of the Comprehensive Cancer Clinic, our outstanding partner in 2021 opened a new theme with us, Autoimmune Diseases. In this way, we seek to cover a wide range of specialties and pathologies that allow improving the capacities of health professionals, especially those who care for the population located in marginal urban and rural areas of our country.

On the other hand, we will be developing the topics of Hypertension and Cardiology and Maternal Neonatal Management; the last one as an effort that adds to the project developed by the University of the Republic in Uruguay in conjunction with the Inter-American Development Bank and the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador; a project replicated in two more countries in the region.

We invite you to learn more about the project and our eHealth by CEDIA on the website .

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