Digital Platform for the Calculation of the Discount Rate and Business Valuation for MSMEs in Ecuador

General Objective: Develop a Digital platform in the Year 2023 that allows you to accurately determine the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and find the value of a company or venture, considering its own characteristics and those of the macro and micro environment in which it operates. MSMEs develop.

Specific objectives:

  • Determine the variables necessary to calculate the WACC, for the different economic sectors in which MSMEs operate.
    • Indicator: Number of Variables raised, according to the literature.
    • Means of Verification: Databases, report and respective report.
    • Assumption: The required information exists at the market level.
  • Incorporate an automated Module that allows the WACC to be accurately calculated, according to the characteristics of each of the economic sectors in which MSMEs operate.
    • Indicator: Percentage of Module Functionality.
    • Means of Verification: Digital Platform.
    • Assumption: There is no assumption.
  • Incorporate an automated module that allows the value of a company to be determined as accurately as possible, according to the characteristics of a company and the economic sector in which it operates.
    • Indicator: Percentage of Module Functionality.
    • Means of Verification: Digital Platform.
    • Assumption: There is no assumption.
  • Validate the previous modules based on a sample of MSMEs from each economic sector taken into account for this project.
    • Indicator: Percentage of Companies Valued according to Economic Sectors.
    • Means of Verification: Registration, digital platform log.
    • Assumption: The necessary information is in the Companies Super and/or is provided by the company in question.
  • To evaluate in vitro the cytotoxicity of GQD complexes with both the genes and the drug of interest in reference non-tumor cell lines.

Participating Institutions:



Project Director Victor Gerardo Aguilar Feijo

  • Juan Carlos Aguirre Quezada
  • Freddy Benjamin Naula Sigua
  • Oswaldo Leonardo Merchán Manzano
  • Fausto Danilo Erazo Guijarro
  • Carlos Patricio Maquieira Villanueva

Awarded budget: $27950,00

Project Status: Completed