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Ecuadorian Scientists are favored through Competitive Funds

CEPRA XVI projects – Selection phase concluded

After an arduous task by the applicants, the Committee of International Evaluators, the Academic Commission and the CEDIA PMO, the project selection phase of the CEPRA XVI call was completed.

In this sixteenth call, there was a great reception in which 88 proposals from 34 member HEIs and 27 non-member institutions of CEDIA were presented; Of these, 16 are international and from countries such as: Mexico, Italy, Belgium, Dublin, United Kingdom, Chile, Spain, Germany, Venezuela, Israel; with a total of 707 researchers participating in this call.

Despite the fact that the work of all the proponents was of a very high academic level, those that met the score and guidelines established in the CEPRA Contest Bases were selected, and there were 23 proposals from 6 different areas of knowledge such as Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Arts, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Medical Sciences.

The proposals selected for adjudication were made up of 27 CEDIA member universities and 9 non-member institutions.

We are pleased to inform that 172 researchers were benefited and their proposals will be financed by CEDIA .

We congratulate all those who managed to achieve such a long-awaited objective and those who did not reach the score to be selected, we encourage them to continue working so that their participation in the next call meets the expected results.
