General Objective: Validate the “Taptana Cañari Pedagogical Proposal and the value of solidarity” as a didactic, pedagogical and innovative resource that favors the development of the interdisciplinary learning process for the formation of critical and reflective citizens.
Specific objectives:
- Design a workshop model aimed at Basic Education teachers that allows the development of interdisciplinary learning processes, through planning based on the Taptana Cañari.
- Train Basic Education teachers of the Ecuadorian Educational system, through the implementation of 9 workshops to enhance their competencies in a comprehensive manner.
- Assess the effectiveness of the workshop model through the application of surveys and observation sheets.
Participating Institutions:
Project Director Marco Vinicio Vásquez Bernal
- Juan Ramon Cadena Villota
- Carlos Vicente Llerena Aguilar
- Pedro Daniel Cadena Nogales
- Galo Leonardo Cerda Mejia
- Rocío Paola Guapulema Maygualema
- Luis Antonio Valle Vega
- Martha Raquel Alquinga Chango
- José Enrique Martínez Serra
- Marco Vinicio Vásquez Bernal
- Rosa Ildaura Troya Vásquez
- Monica Patricia Romo Barrionuevo
- Freddy Neptali Jaramillo Ortiz
- Marcos Alejandro Yánez Rodríguez
- James Alduber Taramuel Villacreces
- Roxana Auccahuallpa Fernández
Project Status: Completed